Gord & Heather - February 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE/PRAY: Vision Ministries Kenya, we are grateful to the Lord for his blessing on this sister network of churches. It's been almost 10 years since we've been involved with them. We are now looking forward, asking for the Lord's guidance for our future involvement there. Please pray with us. Peter and Debra Johnson have arrived in Toronto and are now beginning their outreach among the Nigerian and West Africans there. Please pray that the Lord would swing open doors of entry to that community for them. When Ron Seabrooke learned that we were beginning to reach out to Muslim background people he said, be prepared for spiritual warfare! Please pray especially for pastors Siamak Keramat and Obed Rod and their families and coworkers as they reach out to this thirsty and controversial people group. The Lord loves them. The response is exciting! Pray that his servants will not be exhausted but that they will run and not be weary.