Praise & Prayer

Charlotte Martin - February 2021

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: In January our East Asia team started running Alpha groups from Canada for their interested friends in EA. Last month our P2C-Students hosted the Relevant Series online. Over the course of a week we ran 8 events and had a total attendance of 1900 attendees. PRAY: February 16-18 we'll be hosting a mini webinar series for students on global missions. Pray that students attend and that God would stir their hearts to care about the nations. My team is running another digital mission trip in May. Pray that we would plan a meaningful and visionary experience for students to participate in.

Les & Sharon - February 2021

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: Some very effective online contacts including sharing the gospel with a lady in Spain dying of cancer named Judith through Sharon on messenger. Seeing 15 couples at WBC matched up with mentor couples. PRAY: For a month long training period for Les to be an online guide for students doing the Christianity Explored course in Spanish as Joy Frey has been doing in English. For the Marriage mentoring to be a reality as soon as COVID restrictions are lifted. For our continued activities on the pastoral care team at WBC and Spanish contacts.

Esther Frey - February 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: The Lord has taken care of each one belonging to our local church group. So far no one has had the virus. We have been able to keep up with correcting the exams and answering many questions. We continue to meet each Sunday morning from 9-10:30. By the time you read this I will have had both vaccinations for Covid-19. PRAY: If it's the Lord's will we want to project the film OVERCOMER Feb. 20 in our chapel parking lot. We will have our annual budget meeting Sunday the 28th in the afternoon. I continue to get my left eye injection for macular degeneration every three months, and the next one is on the 9th. Pray for the young people leaders who meet with their group via zoom on a weekly basis. Repairs being done at the chapel, roof and bathrooms.

Raul & Jessenia - February 2021

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: Our church can so far continue having in-person meetings and there have been a lot of kids coming out Sundays- even arriving early! After a month break, youth group has begun again and though we have few who come out, we are really enjoying the intimacy of a small group. In spite of the pandemic, there are plans to have Bible camp- with only 3 day sessions, less campers and less staff. PRAY: Raul has been moved to talk about specific aspects of salvation during the youth Bible study, please pray that our youth would come to a fuller understanding of what Christ has done for them and that those who have not yet given them their lives would do so. That camp plans can move forward smoothly and everything will be safe Covid wise. For school leadership as they make some big decisions about the future.

Jenn Brubacher - February 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: It’s been a blessing to create online content that reaches youth, young adults and parents. The YFC Work Friends podcast has been a great place to connect with students during the lockdown. As of January 1st, I am the Campus Life Ministry Director! This transition has been in the works for quite some time and I’m excited to step into this new position. Online drop-in has its challenges but it’s been pure fun over the last few weeks. We bake “together”, play online games and laugh...a lot! For a lot of students it’s a time to exhale, relax and know there are people who love and care for them. I’m thankful for the intentional relationships I’m building in this season. PRAY: Please continue to pray for my headaches/migraines and wisdom for when to work and rest. Staff and students are entering the third quadmester and many are struggling with anxiety and depression. Please pray for safe home environments and good family relationships. Specifically pray for C, who is starting to isolate themselves even more from people who love and care for them. May this lockdown be the season they experience Christ’s grace, hope, redemption and love in a new way.