Jenn Brubacher - February 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: It’s been a blessing to create online content that reaches youth, young adults and parents. The YFC Work Friends podcast has been a great place to connect with students during the lockdown. As of January 1st, I am the Campus Life Ministry Director! This transition has been in the works for quite some time and I’m excited to step into this new position. Online drop-in has its challenges but it’s been pure fun over the last few weeks. We bake “together”, play online games and laugh...a lot! For a lot of students it’s a time to exhale, relax and know there are people who love and care for them. I’m thankful for the intentional relationships I’m building in this season. PRAY: Please continue to pray for my headaches/migraines and wisdom for when to work and rest. Staff and students are entering the third quadmester and many are struggling with anxiety and depression. Please pray for safe home environments and good family relationships. Specifically pray for C, who is starting to isolate themselves even more from people who love and care for them. May this lockdown be the season they experience Christ’s grace, hope, redemption and love in a new way.