Praise & Prayer

Trevor & Hannah - September 2020

PRAISE:  Our Launch into the Fall semester was a wonderful success with around 400 students across Canada joining online to worship God and connect with each other. Each campus had many first year students get connected through this event. A restful sabbatical for us in July as we stayed close to home and spent time together as a family.  PRAY:  Pray for all the university and college students transitioning into another semester of online or hybrid schooling. Students are stressed because there is still a lot that is unknown. Pray especially for first year students to find a good community even when they are not physically near each other.  These next 6 weeks are critical for college/university students as they set their priorities for the semester.  Pray for us as we continue to balance our ministry to students and taking care of Amelia at home. Amelia is staying home from JK this year, but is going to preschool a day every week.

Russ & Meredith - September 2020

PRAISE:  The kids have settled well into a school routine again.  Russ was able to help negotiate funding for internet connectivity needs for teams in western Africa.  Many deepening relationships with non-believers at our condo complex. PRAY:  Wisdom is navigating next steps in light of a newly announced global president of our organization.  For the marketing plan Russ is leading for promoting a digital missions event happening in 52 global cities in October 2020.  For skin issues/challenges that have resurfaced with Gwenyth (6) and Heath (4).

Robert & Susan - September 2020

PRAISE:  G was granted day parole to a halfway house after 44 years in prison. Pray that he will trust God for the ability to navigate this huge adjustment.  B and S are remaining positive and patient as they are held back from temporary parole due to Covid.  Chaplains have been back into the Inst. for 2 weeks.  PRAY:  M is battling with strong cultural pressure and yet seeking to honour God and parents.  Pray that we will be allowed access to the institutions soon and that new guidelines will be safe and yet not too restrictive. S is facing a transfer to a different institution and has potential “incompatibles”.  He wants to avoid any conflict as he seeks to honour the Lord Jesus.

Gord & Heather - September 2020

PRAISE/PRAY:  50 men and women were baptized in Lake Ontario a couple of weeks ago by a spiritualist Church in Toronto.  Indy, still stuck in Burma, pray that he will be able to accomplish the purposes for which he went there, that he will be able to come home soon.  We are planning for leadership training in Kenya, modifications and plans are in the works, pray for Holy Spirit leading.

Les & Sharon - September 2020

 PRAISE:  We are so thankful for our 50th celebration Aug 29 with all our immediate family together online as we sat in our son Vince's house. Later a lot of Spanish friends also got online on the zoom meeting to wish us well. From cards and comments we realize again how much people watch us and how we can influence others. What an encouragement and challenge it is to be a light and compass for some!  For the different significant meetings and encounters this past month.  PRAY:  For our activities in Spanish and English to resume as able this fall in spite of COVID limitations.  Recorded message broadcast in Spanish Sunday Sept. 20 in Bastión Ecuador.  We will really miss Wayne on the pastoral team . Pray for the team and for his recovery.