Trevor & Hannah - September 2020

PRAISE:  Our Launch into the Fall semester was a wonderful success with around 400 students across Canada joining online to worship God and connect with each other. Each campus had many first year students get connected through this event. A restful sabbatical for us in July as we stayed close to home and spent time together as a family.  PRAY:  Pray for all the university and college students transitioning into another semester of online or hybrid schooling. Students are stressed because there is still a lot that is unknown. Pray especially for first year students to find a good community even when they are not physically near each other.  These next 6 weeks are critical for college/university students as they set their priorities for the semester.  Pray for us as we continue to balance our ministry to students and taking care of Amelia at home. Amelia is staying home from JK this year, but is going to preschool a day every week.