Praise & Prayer

Esther Frey - September 2020

PRAISE:  This time, August 23, I did go to emergency because of a fall I had in my office, but so thankful that a bump on my forehead didn't cause further complications.  We are still able to meet Sunday mornings in spite of some further restrictions due to the pandemic.  Prisoners are taking advantage of their down time to study the courses, so it means more communication by letter.  Some of the Christians got together and bought me a generator.  My neighbor is doing the installation.   PRAY:  Schools began virtually for at least a month, then another decision will be made.  Continue to pray about our political situation.  We also have elections in November.  Add Ramon and Lavinia Ibanez to your list of missionaries.  They work with Word of Life and help us a lot.  They want to reach the young people of the island.  At present they live in my apartment.  They need encouragement and financial support.  He is from Argentina and she is from Romania.  They have 2 boys.  Thanks so much for being co laborers in His vineyard.

Jenn Brubacher - September 2020

PRAISE: I was able to take some vacation time during August. It was a great time to rest, relax and refuel for the coming season. God gave me a lot of creativity and wisdom for the fall, and I’m so excited to see how He moves as I continue to adapt in these changing times. PRAY: School is going to look very different this year. Please pray for students’ mental health as they make necessary adjustments. Because of these changes, we are no longer able to work within the school. This affects our Campus Life program, one-on-one student support that happens within the school, coaching volleyball and soccer. We need wisdom in how to support students during this difficult season and how to be an encouragement to parents and teachers. There are a lot of unknowns but a lot of opportunities. Again and again, I’m thankful to worship, serve and be known by a God who makes Himself known to us.

Phil & Andrea - September 2020

PRAISE:  That we have a home close to our kids as they transition between accommodations.  For providing accommodation for our kids as they prepare to start a new academic year.  Liam, Kieran and Mackenzie all had birthdays this past month. We're thankful for each of them!  For generous donations through our home church to Beirut relief efforts.  For the lifting of Covid restrictions that have allowed some team members in the Middle East to return to their country of service.  PRAY:  For quick healing for Kieran who has a bad ankle sprain.  For our kids as they settle into their new accommodations.  For God's provision for the COVID Strategic Emergency Relief Fund that Phil is overseeing.  For wisdom & direction for the SIM International Board of Governors meeting (virtually) this month. Phil will participate for the first time.  For continued wisdom for us both as we carry a wide variety of responsibilities.  For people who are planning to return to their home countries for a period of home assignment to be able to travel.

Trevor & Hannah - August 2020

PRAISE:  For Trevor accepting a new role of National Campus Strategies Administrator. One of Trevor's mentor's called this "A Gift from God" as it really fits Trevor's interests and strengths quite well.  For a good time of rest & refreshment during our time off this summer.  For the opportunity of our ministry to run Alpha online this summer with about 40 students participating.  PRAY:  For wisdom and God's help as we continue to adapt to online ministry in this current season.  For wisdom in determining when and how to do some support raising that we may need to do.

Russ & Meredith - August 2020

PRAISE: Fun as a family during school break.  Positive momentum from recent work with an allergist for Heath and Gwenyth in dealing with their health issues. We are making good connections with good outreach opportunities with neighbors in our residence complex.  PRAY:  The kids would settle back into school well, classes resume August 3.  For the selection of a new global President of our organization, only the 3rd in our history, which will have implications for Russ' job.  Effective collaboration with equipping teams in using social media strategy, especially where connectivity is a challenge.