Jenn Brubacher - September 2020

PRAISE: I was able to take some vacation time during August. It was a great time to rest, relax and refuel for the coming season. God gave me a lot of creativity and wisdom for the fall, and I’m so excited to see how He moves as I continue to adapt in these changing times. PRAY: School is going to look very different this year. Please pray for students’ mental health as they make necessary adjustments. Because of these changes, we are no longer able to work within the school. This affects our Campus Life program, one-on-one student support that happens within the school, coaching volleyball and soccer. We need wisdom in how to support students during this difficult season and how to be an encouragement to parents and teachers. There are a lot of unknowns but a lot of opportunities. Again and again, I’m thankful to worship, serve and be known by a God who makes Himself known to us.