Praise & Prayer

Raul & Jessenia - August 2020

PRAISE:  Our families and close friends remain in good health during this time. We have been spared the sorrow of seeing loved ones suffer. Tiago is growing- happy and healthy. The church in Bastion has been functioning now with social distancing and fills to the allowed capacity early! (Amazing in a culture that is always late!)  PRAY:  That we would be able to find flights back to Ecuador that are not 30 hours long and that don't go through the States. Because of Covid, most of the Latin American airports that we normally fly through are closed. That God would give Ecuador's leaders wisdom in handling the pandemic as parts of Ecuador and a second wave is expected in Guayaquil. That God would give us the strength to continue organizing online youth events and Bible studies as online events are starting to feel old for both us leaders and the youth.

Jenn Brubacher - August 2020

PRAISE: This month we were able to host small, in-person events with students! We had art in the park, park workouts and outdoor movie nights. It was an amazing time to connect and gain a much better understanding for how these students are doing. During one movie night, four students from our drop-in program attended! There is a lot happening in their life, aside from the pandemic, and they need prayer. PRAY: As we enter into the second half of the summer, please pray for students entering high school; a lot of them are very anxious about this new transition, especially with so many unknowns. Students continue to wrestle with unhealthy family & friend relationships, drug abuse and mental health issues. Jesus, I pray for your peace and rest over these students; calm their anxiety, bring healing in their relationships, and may they find true rest and hope in you. Amen

Phil & Andrea - August 2020


The photo above was taken during a week away with our kids.
Please join with us to Praise God...

  • For time away at a cottage with our kids - first full week of family vacation in 5 years.

  • For our continued joy at having our own home in close proximity to our kids.

  • For provision of some funding for the COVID-19 Emergency Strategic Relief Fund to help ensure ministry continuity. (If you are interested in giving please let us know.)

  • That Andrea has been able to faciliate mentor matches for all new Personnel Coordinators.

Please pray 

  • For Andrea as she balances work demand between her Middle East and Personnel Development Lead roles.

  • For Phil as he collaborates with colleagues this week in a series of Zoom calls seeking feedback for planned system developments.

  • For wisdom for us as we work with a ministry leadership group at our home church

  • For a job for Mackenzie, Kieran's fiancée.

Thanks for praying for us,
Phil & Andrea

Trevor & Hannah - July 2020


  • For Trevor accepting a new role of National Campus Strategies Administrator. One of Trevor's mentor's called this "A Gift from God" as it really fits Trevor's interests and strengths quite well.

  • For a good time of rest & refreshment during our time off this summer.

  • For the opportunity of our ministry to run Alpha online this summer with about 40 students participating


  • For wisdom and God's help as we continue to adapt to online ministry in this current season

  • For wisdom in determining when and how to do some support raising that we may need to do

Russ & Meredith - July 2020

PRAISE: Some of the restrictions have loosened allowing us to go out more freely.  God is bringing plenty of work with teams all around the world desiring to use social media to help people know and follow Jesus.  Family life is stable and the kids are forming new friendships with the various relationships in our life.  PRAY:  That we could effectively share how God is working with our supporters despite not being able to return to Canada this summer.  For some worsening health challenges with Heath and Gwenyth's skin. For the selection of a new global President of our organization, only the 3rd in our history, which will have implications for Russ' job.