Jenn Brubacher - August 2020

PRAISE: This month we were able to host small, in-person events with students! We had art in the park, park workouts and outdoor movie nights. It was an amazing time to connect and gain a much better understanding for how these students are doing. During one movie night, four students from our drop-in program attended! There is a lot happening in their life, aside from the pandemic, and they need prayer. PRAY: As we enter into the second half of the summer, please pray for students entering high school; a lot of them are very anxious about this new transition, especially with so many unknowns. Students continue to wrestle with unhealthy family & friend relationships, drug abuse and mental health issues. Jesus, I pray for your peace and rest over these students; calm their anxiety, bring healing in their relationships, and may they find true rest and hope in you. Amen