Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - July 2020

PRAISE:  Continued health for each of our family.  Good opportunities to connect with our colleagues on Zoom.  PRAY:  For wisdom for Andrea in her Middle East role.  For Andrea as she seeks to promote the training and development of SIM's personnel/HR people around the world. Please pray specifically for more people willing to serve as mentors to new people in these roles.  That guidance for Phil as he leads several teams as they interact with leadership teams responding in the face of COVID, including the financial costs we anticipate could run to a couple million dollars. Also to help teams to adjust and change to be able to accomplish our purpose in a world+COVID.  For continued employment for our kids and for Kieran and Mackenzie as they begin to wedding plan.

Trevor & Hannah - June 2020

PRAISE:  For God's provision and health & safety for our family amidst COVID-19.  For strong student leadership in our ministry at the University of Waterloo this summer.  PRAY:  For continued mental health amidst the stresses of ministry.  For 1-2 Alpha courses that Trevor and a team are helping to launch nationally this summer.

Russ & Meredith - June 2020

PRAISE:  We have survived the lockdown and some restrictions will end June 2.  Our bursary application was accepted by the school.  Many opportunities to ministry to people in need as they search online for hope.  PRAY:  For navigating the disappointment of not being able to return to Canada for a visit this summer.  For some recent health challenges with Heath and Gwenyth's skin.  For Russ as he leads a team engaging people in social media, offering the hope of Jesus.

Gord & Heather - June 2020

 PRAISE/PRAY:  1. I spoke with the pastor of one of our Eritrean churches today. He said they have four, three-hour online sessions per week online. People are loving it! Each person can pray for 15 minutes – they feel so involved! He said, many are saying, we prefer this kind of church life!  2. Doors are opening up for communication with Persian pastors around the world. Last week there were 18 people on a zoom call, some from: USA, Germany, Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey – perhaps more. They are hungry for fellowship and eager for answers about church leadership.  3. Please pray for Ishmael/Kenya. He is in the middle of redesigning ministry for lockdown Kenya style. Pray that the Lord will help them to find creative ways to move forward. The lack of quality Internet is a serious liability for them.   

Charlotte Martin - June 2020

PRAISE:  Canadian students have been faithfully engaged in the digital mission trip. They are learning about missions and getting to have spiritual conversations. The social media platforms we are using allow us to connect with students in the cities where we work overseas. This has been so strategic for us. The mission trip ends June 11th.  PRAY:  The future for our global missions team is unclear. Will countries be open? Can we send interns in the fall? Can we send mission trips in 2021? When can our staff who have returned home, go back overseas? Pray that we would discern well where God would have us focus our energy as we wait.