Gord & Heather - June 2020

 PRAISE/PRAY:  1. I spoke with the pastor of one of our Eritrean churches today. He said they have four, three-hour online sessions per week online. People are loving it! Each person can pray for 15 minutes – they feel so involved! He said, many are saying, we prefer this kind of church life!  2. Doors are opening up for communication with Persian pastors around the world. Last week there were 18 people on a zoom call, some from: USA, Germany, Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey – perhaps more. They are hungry for fellowship and eager for answers about church leadership.  3. Please pray for Ishmael/Kenya. He is in the middle of redesigning ministry for lockdown Kenya style. Pray that the Lord will help them to find creative ways to move forward. The lack of quality Internet is a serious liability for them.