Praise & Prayer

Ray & Carol - June 2020

PRAISE: Thankfully the Lord isn't hindered by Covid19! I'm booked every Sunday at present and it looks as though that will continue for a while. By the wonder of modern technology I will be speaking hundreds of miles apart on the same day! :)  I am enjoying joining Paul & Evelyn and the others for their weekly prayer meeting as well as one at Arkel Rd. Bible Chapel.  Being somewhat older, and apparently in the more vulnerable age bracket, we are trying to stay safe and I'm enjoying a much slower life for a change.  PRAY:  For Guelph Bible Conference Centre and the other Christian camps. These are very difficult days for us all and the saddest part of all is the loss of ministry for the whole summer. We are trying to come up with something by Zoom, but it would fall far short of the real thing of course. Pray for Carol's ongoing health problems and for both of us generally. Our only desire is to keep serving the Lord as He wills.

Les & Sharon - June 2020

PRAISE: For two opportunities to speak Spanish messages to Bastión church in Ecuador.  For lots of phone calling and group meetings. Good health and some specific answers to prayer.  PRAY: That our ministry to English and Spanish speakers alike would be encouraging.  For Mike, a contact who we really want to see trust Christ as Savior.  A and A, a couple who we stopped meeting with because of the COVID situation but keeps in touch. That our mentoring relationship would continue.

Esther Frey - June 2020

PRAISE:  Yoly is home from the hospital after two and a half months.  She is taking chemotherapy.  Is also correcting Emmaus exams.  We were able to meet at the chapel for the first time May 31.  We are grateful for His protection and help in problems.  Also so thankful for His provision.  My neighbor lady returned to her husband.  We've had several talks.  Brian Array, who looked after the Emmaus office during my absence, is opening up a branch office in Florida.  We will share the file, and he will take care of the mainland students while I look after the island.  The mainland students are ones who started with me while in Puerto Rico, and have been transferred to State prisons. I got my renewed permanent resident card.  PRAY:  That we will be wise in knowing what is best as more liberty is given to the people.  We continue our curfew 7 pm to 5 am until June 15.  I visited my cardiologist May 27 and the EKG showed an electrical heart block.  The doctor wants me to use a monitor June 18 for 24 hours.  Please pray for those who have lost employment and for those who are still in shelters because of the earthquakes.  Much prayer is needed for our government.

Raul & Jessenia - June 2020

PRAISE:  For seeing God’s hand in the safe arrival of our son, Tiago. That the church in Bastion continues strong- seeing lots of interest in its online services that happen almost every day of the week. That the teachers at Hope of Bastion have been able to begin online classes with their students as of this week.  PRAY:  For wisdom for Guayaquil’s leaders who have made the decision to start opening up the city. For wisdom for us as we try to decide when to go back to Ecuador. That Raul would find meaningful ways to spend his time here in Canada. For our teachers at the school who are not technologically inclined and are finding online teaching quite stressful.

Jenn Brubacher - June 2020

PRAISE: Supervising our Summer Student, Anne, has been a real blessing. I am thankful to continue to meet and mentor many students over Zoom. I had the opportunity to send a Youth For Christ update video to First Baptist church in Listowel, and have been sharing #ForNorthPerth prayer and devotional videos every Tuesday and Thursday to stay connected with our community. We have made adjustments to our ‘Tour For Teens’ biking fundraiser, happening June 13th, and our Golf Tournament, happening July 7th, and we are thankful these events are still able to happen. PRAY: Please pray for students’ mental and physical health, and for healing in their relationships with family. Please pray for continued wisdom and creativity for myself and the rest of my team-- we continue to reassess what is working, what needs improvement and always thinking of how we can connect with students better. Please also pray for health and strength-- my energy level has been very low this month.