Ray & Carol - June 2020

PRAISE: Thankfully the Lord isn't hindered by Covid19! I'm booked every Sunday at present and it looks as though that will continue for a while. By the wonder of modern technology I will be speaking hundreds of miles apart on the same day! :)  I am enjoying joining Paul & Evelyn and the others for their weekly prayer meeting as well as one at Arkel Rd. Bible Chapel.  Being somewhat older, and apparently in the more vulnerable age bracket, we are trying to stay safe and I'm enjoying a much slower life for a change.  PRAY:  For Guelph Bible Conference Centre and the other Christian camps. These are very difficult days for us all and the saddest part of all is the loss of ministry for the whole summer. We are trying to come up with something by Zoom, but it would fall far short of the real thing of course. Pray for Carol's ongoing health problems and for both of us generally. Our only desire is to keep serving the Lord as He wills.