Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - June 2020

PRAISE:  That Kieran and Mackenzie are engaged – we get another daughter.  That we have been able to move into our house at the end of May. That each of our kids have employment.  For the stories that testify to God’s continued work in the midst of the pandemic.  PRAY:  For us as we seek to make our house a home.  Guidance for Phil in his varied tasks, especially those relating to helping ministries respond to Covid.  For wisdom for Andrea as she assists the many people enquiring about and preparing for service in the Middle East.  For Kieran and Makenzie as they plan for marriage.

Trevor & Hannah - May 2020

PRAISE:  For the opportunity to join an online Q conference with thousands of Christians from around the world April 22-23. There was a very broad range of topics about how Christianity can better influence society in this cultural moment. For a successful online Celebration and Fundraising event April 17. Many from WBC were able to attend. PRAY:  For one of our neighbours who has been in hospital for a couple of weeks with COVID-19. For a digital semester of ministry that Hannah is helping to run this summer at U of W. Pray for good adaptation/innovation. For wisdom for Trevor as he considers which projects to take on next. He was active in helping with logistics for Q conference and our Fundraising event. Both those are wrapping up now.

Russ & Meredith - May 2020

PRAISE: Despite the kids being in a virtual classroom for 5 weeks and working from home in a small apartment we are doing relatively well. Many are placing their faith in Jesus while searching for hope online during the pandemic. One organizational leader expressed, "digital strategies for missions has been released from quarantine" we have more opportunities than we can handle.  PRAY:  For endurance and grace within our family as our lockdown has been extended to June 1. For effective development of the #ThereIsHope campaign to reach out to folks on social media with a message of hope that Jesus brings. For our bursary application to be accepted by the school for the next academic year.

Robert & Susan - May 2020

PRAISE:  N is on full parole and keeping in touch with us. He is attending church, he has made reconciliation with his children.  However he and his wife are not on civil terms.  He is rough around edges but has made progress in the right direction.  I don’t believe that he has taken the step of saving faith as of yet. Please pray for his salvation.  Our family is remaining healthy; Emily and 5 week old baby Elliyah are doing fine. Susan’s parents are also well.  We have heard from inmates inside prison via letters and phone calls that many are doing well despite the restrictions.  They are remaining calm and seem to be doing well.  PRAY:  Please pray for S. he has become a follower of Jesus Christ through a female pen pal 12 months ago.  It has developed into a closer relationship; however yesterday in a phone conversation with her it is beginning to sound like she wishes to retreat. S. has at least 7 more years before possible parole.  As wise as this would be, he will be devastated if she breaks off the relationship. Pray that they both lean heavily on the Lord Jesus and seek and do His will.  P is limited in his capacities and struggling as he is 71 yrs old, not in good health, his only 2 family members do not support him, other inmates at his half-way house take advantage of his pension money, he wants to plan for end of life so he will not be totally forgotten.  He professes faith in Christ but struggles to engage in successful Christian living. Pray that restrictions would be lifted soon and we will be able to resume ministering inside…even in some modified format.

Gord & Heather - May 2020

PRAISE/PRAY: Churches all across Canada are adapting to life under Covid-19, some better than others. Pray that our church leaders would be courageous and perceptive about how to lead during these times. I have been deeply involved with several churches that are undergoing serious crises of various kinds. Please pray for wisdom for me and for wisdom and courage for them. A Chinese church in Toronto that we are closely connected with has been importing thousands of medical masks as well as regular masks to wear outdoors to give to other churches and to nursing homes and long-term care facilities. Praise God for their foresightedness! A brother from Romania wrote to say that in their part of the country six brothers had died from Covid-19, a 46-year-old woman, mother of 17 also passed away because of the virus. Several of their outstanding leaders have been very sick.