Gord & Heather - May 2020

PRAISE/PRAY: Churches all across Canada are adapting to life under Covid-19, some better than others. Pray that our church leaders would be courageous and perceptive about how to lead during these times. I have been deeply involved with several churches that are undergoing serious crises of various kinds. Please pray for wisdom for me and for wisdom and courage for them. A Chinese church in Toronto that we are closely connected with has been importing thousands of medical masks as well as regular masks to wear outdoors to give to other churches and to nursing homes and long-term care facilities. Praise God for their foresightedness! A brother from Romania wrote to say that in their part of the country six brothers had died from Covid-19, a 46-year-old woman, mother of 17 also passed away because of the virus. Several of their outstanding leaders have been very sick.