Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - May 2020

PRAISE:  That we have been able to purchase a house. We hope to move the end of May. For our colleagues around the world who are learning new ways of ministry in the midst of social distancing. For existing systems we have been using that allow us to continue to connect with colleagues around the world. For provision of temporary employment for Cara and ongoing employment for Kieran.  PRAY: For Liam as he looks for more work after his co-op placement was cancelled. That we will be able to find the things we need to furnish a house with many stores shut. For Andrea as she continues to support workers in the Middle East as well as provide coordination for the many personnel coordinators around the world. Wisdom for Phil as he leads a global task force looking to ensure that our gospel purposes continue even as many other things change or undergo financial strain.

Esther Frey - March 2020

PRAISE: Some children are back in school, but not all schools have been approved to be used.  Enjoyed some visitors from the Dominican Republic and Ontario.  We finally got street lights on my street!! PRAY: For Canadian visitors March 5-9.  Several doctor's appointments.  Lawyer has finally been in touch about transferring a house to camp which was to be done since 2017.  Pray this might be done this month.  For a group coming from the States the latter part of the month to do some work at camp. I'm preparing to give some classes on Healing the Wounded Heart April 2 and 3.  

Jenn Brubacher - March 2020

PRAISE: I have been so encouraged by the way God is moving in my life and in the lives of the people around me. Our senior girls volleyball season has come to a close; Kevin and I are very excited to continue to meet with some of the athletes for more in depth conversations. On February 22 we took 40 staff, students and volunteers to YFC Toronto’s Today’s Teen conference; it was encouraging, challenging and another great time to connect with students. As I plan and pray for the next season ahead, I’m thrilled to be planning a girls Algonquin camping trip from July 2-5. We want to take the girls away from as many distractions as possible (and with no cell service, it might be a bit easier than we thought!) and long for them to experience the presence of our Lord! PRAYER: Please pray for the girls going on this camping trip. Most, if not all, of them will be from our drop-in centre and we need wisdom and direction as we plan this trip with intention. We continue to pray for more volunteers at the drop-in centre. Loneliness, drug use and mental health issues continue to be prevalent in the youth; the more volunteers we have, the more conversations and connections can be made. If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to ask for more information! Please continue to pray for the Long family as they mourn the loss of a daughter, sister, niece and friend.

Phil & Andrea - March 2020

PRAISE: For a profitable time in the UK with friends family and supporters. For strength and stamina to help us through our responsibilities at a very hectic Directors’ Retreat. For great opportunities to connect with colleagues around the world at the retreat. PRAYER: For time to be refreshed and restored after a busy week. For Liam to get a summer coop job. For wisdom as we both take on new responsibilities.

Trevor & Hannah - March 2020

PRAISE:  For 50 students who attended a "Speed Friending" outreach at Conestoga College. We were blown away by the turnout and God's answer to prayer for this event. For a smooth transition for Trevor in his new operational role with Power to Change. Praise God for the mental health stability that Trevor has had over the last 10 months. PRAY:  For the family, friends and community of one of Hannah's childhood pastors who passed away suddenly in February. For wisdom in choosing student leaders for the next semesters at Conestoga, Laurier and Waterloo. For wisdom in knowing how to best spend our summer, including how to use some of our time off.