Jenn Brubacher - March 2020

PRAISE: I have been so encouraged by the way God is moving in my life and in the lives of the people around me. Our senior girls volleyball season has come to a close; Kevin and I are very excited to continue to meet with some of the athletes for more in depth conversations. On February 22 we took 40 staff, students and volunteers to YFC Toronto’s Today’s Teen conference; it was encouraging, challenging and another great time to connect with students. As I plan and pray for the next season ahead, I’m thrilled to be planning a girls Algonquin camping trip from July 2-5. We want to take the girls away from as many distractions as possible (and with no cell service, it might be a bit easier than we thought!) and long for them to experience the presence of our Lord! PRAYER: Please pray for the girls going on this camping trip. Most, if not all, of them will be from our drop-in centre and we need wisdom and direction as we plan this trip with intention. We continue to pray for more volunteers at the drop-in centre. Loneliness, drug use and mental health issues continue to be prevalent in the youth; the more volunteers we have, the more conversations and connections can be made. If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to ask for more information! Please continue to pray for the Long family as they mourn the loss of a daughter, sister, niece and friend.