Praise & Prayer

Ray & Carol - May 2019

PRAISE:  Another season of Bible studies with the group at WBC - this year it was great having the added participation of the ladies as we studied Galatians.  "Committing To Faithful Men" (the ministry that we started a few years ago) seems to have found a good groove with an excellent group of men coming to learn how to function in and from their local assembly.  Excellent ministry for all ages lined up at Guelph Bible Conference Centre this summer. Living so close you are all welcome to come and enjoy the meetings and fellowship. So thankful for the fellowship, friendship and support from our assembly at WBC. PRAY:  For Carol's health particularly and for health and strength for both of us as we continue in the ministry that the Lord has given us. The busy period at Guelph ( is under way already and it looks like being a great summer. Please pray for the Lord's leading and guidance and that souls will be saved and believers encouraged.

Les & Sharon - May 2019

PRAISE:  Getting back into "normal" life has been good which included having a preventive heart monitor on all month.  Two studies at St. Jacob's place this month have been well received. Sharon has begun treatment with Dr. Paisley for her shoulder pain.  PRAY:  Les gets a vitrectomy on his other eye on Tuesday May 7 in London. Pray for a good result like the first one. Pray for the Seniors studies at Chartwell and St. Jacob's Place through May and June. Pray for Sharon's shoulder to get better with treatment and exercise.

Esther Frey - May 2019

PRAISE:  Brian is enjoying the Emmaus work and is being a help teaching in two assemblies.  I've had the joy of attending several Bible conferences - spiritual food. The Lord has opened the door to visit an eye specialist this month.  Also looking forward to being with my sister in St. Catharines the second week in May. PRAY:  My eye injection will be May 14 in Cambridge - 8:00 A.M. appointment!!!!  Special prayer for Yolanda who wanted so much to help in the Emmaus office.  She has been diagnosed with bone cancer and began chemo Monday, April 29. Praise the Lord she has a firm trust in her God.  The assembly is offering a seminar on Trauma - Healing the Wounded Soul, to the community the first weekend in May. This is an outreach that they pray will bring parents of the children to attend.

Raul & Jessenia - May 2019

PRAISE: School has begun again and we are grateful for how God is providing for the school needs so we can keep our doors open year after year. Our church has been going through the "Believe" series every week and it has been a big encouragement to everyone. We had a camp reunion with our youth who went to camp along with their counsellors and had a fun night reminiscing and encouraging them to come regularly to youth each Saturday starting in May. This past Sunday we had a baptism in the countryside at one of our member's ranch and 11 people got baptized.  PRAY: For both of us as we meet with the youth leaders to talk about organizing this next year with the youth. One of our classroom teacher's left us last minute, and we are looking for a replacement. Please pray we would find a good, Christian teacher with a heart for Bastion children.  Pray that God would bring in the funds necessary for the school to function at optimum capacity.

Jenn Brubacher - May 2019

PRAISE: We had our annual fundraising banquet dinner this month - $38500 was raised for our ministry! Our team is so thankful for the support of friends, family and community as we serve and invest in youth. Over the last several weeks, students at Campus Life have shared their stories and answered the question, ‘Why Jesus?’ It is incredible to hear how God has transformed these students and the ways He continues to challenge and grow them. At Abound, we are just starting a series about the discipline of rest and Sabbath. Pray for my co-worker, Aaron, and I as we teach and lead discussions. I’ve a lot of time to mentor and meet with students, one of those students being an athlete I coached. Even though she isn’t involve in any of our programs, it is humbling being able to listen, ask questions and have a voice in her life. Starting next week our Summer Students, Bryce Kuepfer and Abbi Snider, are joining the team! Both of them will be working at the drop-in centre and Bryce will be helping me lead Campus Life and Abound. PRAY: For Bryce and Abbi as they continue to raise their support and transition from a busy school term to being in ministry. Ainsley and I need continued wisdom and guidance as we navigate what Supper Club is going to look like in the future-- we want to engage students and create open conversations about who God is and why life with Him is so much better. Please pray for my health-- being sick and allergy season takes a big toll on my body.