Raul & Jessenia - May 2019

PRAISE: School has begun again and we are grateful for how God is providing for the school needs so we can keep our doors open year after year. Our church has been going through the "Believe" series every week and it has been a big encouragement to everyone. We had a camp reunion with our youth who went to camp along with their counsellors and had a fun night reminiscing and encouraging them to come regularly to youth each Saturday starting in May. This past Sunday we had a baptism in the countryside at one of our member's ranch and 11 people got baptized.  PRAY: For both of us as we meet with the youth leaders to talk about organizing this next year with the youth. One of our classroom teacher's left us last minute, and we are looking for a replacement. Please pray we would find a good, Christian teacher with a heart for Bastion children.  Pray that God would bring in the funds necessary for the school to function at optimum capacity.