Praise & Prayer

Phil & Andrea - May 2019

PRAISE:   That Bev, Ghana's new Personnel Coordinator arrived safely; that Cara enjoyed her class trip and then that we had a good time with her as she was home for 2 weeks for Easter; that Andrea's final Ghana leadership meetings went well; for safe travel for Andrea and Phil to the Middle East team conference, good teaching and profitable interactions with colleagues; that Kieran has finished his degree - he graduates June 11; that we are able to be at our Ghana team conference this week. The speakers for this week are our mentors, Malcolm and Liz McGregor.  PRAY:  For a good time with our team in Ghana this week. We will say goodbye to many of our team on Saturday as they head north and we head back to Accra; for encouragement for the many on our Ghana team who are in the midst of language and culture learning; that Liam will finish well in his job placement - Friday is his last day; for Kieran as he starts working full-time on May 6; for Cara preparing for and writing final exams; that we will have a safe and enjoyable trip to Niger May 27-31 to celebrate Cara's graduation; for wisdom as we pack and decide what to keep, what not to keep, how to pack it, etc; that we can have appropriate opportunities to say goodbye to people.

Conestoga Bible Camp - April 2019

PRAISE:  Staff are hired, campers are registering and the sun is shining!! Zack Barriage has joined camp full time, joining Tim Frey and Terry Ruegg.  PRAY:  Camp is about 80% full, so we pray that God is leading families and children to us as He sees fit. Pray for Admin Team and Pastoral Team as we prepare for summer program. Staff training begins in April! Summer comes quick.

Russ & Meredith - April 2019

PRAISE:  For excellent connections with 6 of our geographic regional leaders last month.  Fun birthday celebrations for Wyatt and Heath with non-Christian neighbors. We've found a local church to be a part of.  PRAY:  For continued healing of Gwenyth and Heath and their skin sensitivities.  For discernment in choosing the right school for the kids. For Russ as he travels to South America to meet with 100+ digital leaders in the P2C network Apr 12-16.

Robert & Susan - April 2019

PRAISE:  We are facilitating a 5 session DVD series in two institutions entitled “Guardrails”.  Very good response. We plan to begin this series in a third institution at the beginning of April.  R,J,J&H are succeeding to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus despite their struggles with mental health issues.  PRAY:  S was released to a halfway house in Kingston last week. We remain in contact and he is planning to attend church with us.  Pray for D that he will have victory in overcoming his condemning attitude of fellow

Charlotte Martin - April 2019

PRAISE:  God has provided 3 applicants for a new position on our team. Pray for us as we select the right candidate.  Our team has been discussing a book called Pursuing God's Will Together and it's led to many good and helpful conversations.  We're almost done interviewing those who applied to be international interns next year. We're thankful for the different graduates God is leading to intern on our East Asia and Dessert Rain Stint teams.  PRAY:  There have been some leadership issues with our team of interns in North Africa. Pray for the team as the current leaders were asked to step down and the team regroups for their last 3 months in country.  For all the students (just over 75) going on mission trips this summer - that God would provide the funds they need to go on these trips and prepare them spiritually for the ministry they will be doing. Pray for the new summer mission trips we are trying and the leaders who are leading these trips for the first time.