Phil & Andrea - May 2019

PRAISE:   That Bev, Ghana's new Personnel Coordinator arrived safely; that Cara enjoyed her class trip and then that we had a good time with her as she was home for 2 weeks for Easter; that Andrea's final Ghana leadership meetings went well; for safe travel for Andrea and Phil to the Middle East team conference, good teaching and profitable interactions with colleagues; that Kieran has finished his degree - he graduates June 11; that we are able to be at our Ghana team conference this week. The speakers for this week are our mentors, Malcolm and Liz McGregor.  PRAY:  For a good time with our team in Ghana this week. We will say goodbye to many of our team on Saturday as they head north and we head back to Accra; for encouragement for the many on our Ghana team who are in the midst of language and culture learning; that Liam will finish well in his job placement - Friday is his last day; for Kieran as he starts working full-time on May 6; for Cara preparing for and writing final exams; that we will have a safe and enjoyable trip to Niger May 27-31 to celebrate Cara's graduation; for wisdom as we pack and decide what to keep, what not to keep, how to pack it, etc; that we can have appropriate opportunities to say goodbye to people.