Praise & Prayer

Gord & Heather - February 2019

PRAISE/PRAY:  We had an excellent day last week with 5 leaders of immigrant church networks. These men are serving God in a dedicated and admirable way! Each of them are facing enormous challenges. Please pray for them. They are from China, Congo, Burma, Iran and Eritrea/Ethiopia. They need so much wisdom every day to know how to handle the challenges that are coming their way.

Charlotte Martin - February 2019

PRAISE:  January has been enjoyable - a good start to the new year. I'm motivated and enjoyed a planning time for the new year. I've had some extra time to catch up on some things I didn't have time for in the fall.  Some of my global missions teammates traveled to conferences in Spain and Thailand to connect with international interns - our East Asia and Desert Rain interns are mostly doing well and have no major concerns.  PRAY:  We are currently processing all the summer mission trip applications. Pray for discernment and wisdom as we read students' applications and determine if they are qualified for our mission trips. Then pray for all the students who need to raise funds to go on these trips. This summer we are trying a few new mission trip experiences. Pray for the leaders who are leading this trips for the first time. Pray that I would continually grow closer to God in my life and leadership.

Ray & Carol - February 2019

PRAISE:  Very busy with many ministry opportunities. Really enjoying the Bible study at WBC. Thankful for Carol doing better after a rough patch over Christmas. Good health reports for Ray.  PRAY:  Ongoing ministry. Getting geared up for all the activities at . The next Committing To Faithful Men is set for the end of March. Please pray for these young men to be equipped to serve the Lord in and from their local assemblies. Please pray for Ray's health tests and for Carol's general health.  Our ministry is always much the same - lots of opportunities to keep us busy. If you don't hear from us, please pray anyway!

Les & Sharon - February 2019

PRAISE:  After being at EMERG twice, London Eye Institute and multiple tests, we are ok; for the reality of support of family, especially Sharon, friends and church family; for electronic devices that help so much to text and read even though quite limited.  PRAY:  That Les will soon be operated in London on both eyes that have been affected by a virus leaving him with foggy vision and temporarily unable to drive; for restored sight and Sharon's wellbeing and health as well.  Needless to say, all ministries have come to a halt for now as we wait.

Esther Frey - February 2019

PRAISE:  39 came Jan. 3 for a final Christmas celebration.  No neighbors, but two came after saying they had other engagements, but want to come to an activity I plan.  Mission accomplished - the Hoovers and Bastiaansens emptied my apartment, cleaned it and painted it. I threw some things away, other things went to a Thrift shop, but still lots in my carport.  They also did several jobs in the house. We met three different groups on cruises. The yearly meditation booklets I get were only a few weeks late. Yesterday I gave one to the post office official where I deposit the mail.  She said, "I need this." She confessed being in a backsliden condition, even having been baptized. I asked her if she is happy. She said, "no" and shed some tears. We keep praying for people we meet. PRAY:  That I will be able to get the carport in some order.  Need to work on income tax this month. Have another eye injection Feb. 19.  Strength and time to get backlog of office work done. Yolanda came back to help but today was taken to the hospital with undiagnosed sickness.  God is our refuge and strength, a present help in time of trouble.