Charlotte Martin - February 2019

PRAISE:  January has been enjoyable - a good start to the new year. I'm motivated and enjoyed a planning time for the new year. I've had some extra time to catch up on some things I didn't have time for in the fall.  Some of my global missions teammates traveled to conferences in Spain and Thailand to connect with international interns - our East Asia and Desert Rain interns are mostly doing well and have no major concerns.  PRAY:  We are currently processing all the summer mission trip applications. Pray for discernment and wisdom as we read students' applications and determine if they are qualified for our mission trips. Then pray for all the students who need to raise funds to go on these trips. This summer we are trying a few new mission trip experiences. Pray for the leaders who are leading this trips for the first time. Pray that I would continually grow closer to God in my life and leadership.