Praise & Prayer

Raul & Jessenia - February 2019

Praise: Our trip to Canada went very well and we are back in Ecuador feeling very supported and excited to jump back into life here. The church has been doing very well- with many people coming out for prayer and Bible study Tuesdays and Thursdays. We have seen God's grace and blessing in new church members who donated an air conditioner and gave the meeting room a makeover.  PRAY: For the church elders to keep leading strong, for our youth as they prepare to go to camp, for Raul as he organizes himself as camp director for two weeks, for wisdom and spiritual maturity as we face different situations here.

Jenn Brubacher - February 2019

PRAISE:  For the opportunity to share about Youth For Christ at Whites Road Pentecostal Church; for many challenging, life-giving conversations with students. Our volleyball season at the high school is coming to an end but God has been moving and answering our prayers for this team as we have focused on relationships. I had the opportunity to meet with one of our athletes to share the hope and truth that Jesus is near (same conversation with youth at the drop-in centre). As God places opportunities before our staff team, students are trusting us more and sharing more about their lives. PRAY: For wisdom and guidance for myself and our staff team as students share their experiences - It is overwhelming hearing about the addiction, miscarriages, loneliness and depression and how much hurt, pain and loss these kids have experienced. Pray that God would keep moving, keep healing and keep restoring as we live out and point these youth to the hope of the Gospel.

Phil & Andrea - February 2019

PRAISE:   Cara has received an offer of admission to her first choice university; that Phil's week in Ethiopia went well and for the hard work of all the people there that contributed to the Ministry Evaluation Pilot; that everything worked for Andrea while Phil was gone.  PRAY:  For safe travel to Canada and good few days with the boys; for safe travel to Bolivia on Feb 10-17 and wisdom for Phil as he leads a strategic review for the team there and that the outcome would be a clear set of Gospel-focused ministries; for a good time in Paraguay with Dan & Christie, the couple we are mentoring, as well as time discussing strategy with their team as well; for safe travel back to Ghana Feb 25-26; for people to take on the personnel and business manager roles in Ghana - this is becoming more urgent as our departure draws closer.  

Jenn Brubacher - January 2019

PRAISE: An athlete on the senior girls volleyball team asked if she could interview me for a project in her Religions class-- it was an incredible conversation! Questions like, “how has your faith brought you comfort?” and “what do you think happens to people when they die?” opened the door wide open to share the gospel and how it has changed my life. We took a group of students to Operation Christmas Child to sort boxes-- a great time to connect and serve. I had a fundraising/ ministry update night this month and it was a huge success! I am incredibly thankful for my friends, family and support team who walk alongside me in what God is doing in Listowel. PRAYER: Christmas is always a difficult time for students-- please pray for them as they return to school and adjust to their schedules. Continue to pray for those who wrestle with addiction, mental health, broken relationships and are grieving.

Trevor & Hannah - January 2019

PRAISE:  For a good time with family over the holidays; for a good P2C+ Plus Conference in Toronto with over 1000 students in attendance; for the Lord continuing to reveal to us more of himself and how he has made us.  PRAY:  For more students to apply for mission trips this spring/summer; for 6 Conestoga students to apply what they learned at the P2C+ conference; for wisdom as we select leaders for next school year (especially at Western); for God's direction and leading in our ministry roles as we may be making some shifts in the near future.