Jenn Brubacher - February 2019

PRAISE:  For the opportunity to share about Youth For Christ at Whites Road Pentecostal Church; for many challenging, life-giving conversations with students. Our volleyball season at the high school is coming to an end but God has been moving and answering our prayers for this team as we have focused on relationships. I had the opportunity to meet with one of our athletes to share the hope and truth that Jesus is near (same conversation with youth at the drop-in centre). As God places opportunities before our staff team, students are trusting us more and sharing more about their lives. PRAY: For wisdom and guidance for myself and our staff team as students share their experiences - It is overwhelming hearing about the addiction, miscarriages, loneliness and depression and how much hurt, pain and loss these kids have experienced. Pray that God would keep moving, keep healing and keep restoring as we live out and point these youth to the hope of the Gospel.