Missionary Letters

Update from the Blights at Graphite Bible Camp


We thought before the summer crazy hits we should take time to write.

The short update

- Camp is about to start; 1 week of training followed by 7 weeks of day camps. We are so thankful for this opportunity to welcome kids on grounds. Everywhere we go we hear how excited kids are for camp ... I think we could do anything this year and kids would just be happy to get together!

- On May 11th we said goodbye to our dear brother Jorden, after living with brain cancer for just over 5 years. We are in awe of the love, care, and support given- even from a distance. Thank you for praying us through as we journeyed as a family. As you think of it, please keep praying for Josh's parents, sister and of course, Jorden's wife Ange and their children Dominic & Charley.

- Our immediate future is in our prayers as we come to the last stretch of our initial commitment at camp. There's lots to consider but we know that God's will for all of us is who we are and the process of sanctification in our lives.


Cleaning, planning, preparing and last minute set up are happening all around camp. A couple people have already moved in for the summer, one being our own dear friend Krystal Remers. She is here to serve in the kitchen this summer. We're glad to have her here! She "visited" and worked in the kitchen for a couple retreats pre-covid and I guess she made a lasting impression on the cook! Our kids have been inviting and praying for their friends to come to camp. We stopped in at local homes to make sure they knew camp was happening this year and have been able to make connections. It is so neat to see our kids' hearts to see others know Jesus. We are praying for a healthy balance as we serve as a family at camp this summer. Josh is focussed on maintenance part time, mentoring and teaching. I am praying that I can encourage and serve behind the scenes in ways that our kids can be involved.

Jorden & Family

We knew that his time was coming to an end here on earth but the actual end came without much warning and was quick! We woke up and got to Peterborough quickly. We are glad that we made it as he was leaving home for the last time and then could be together as a family at hospice for the last moments even though it was so hard. We're so thankful it didn't last long. And for the fact that he was able to be home with Ange taking care of him until the last hours. It might seem strange to move him to hospice for such a short time but they are set up so well there. He took his last breaths while Well Done by the Afters was playing. So fitting. He was an easygoing, sincere, quiet and strong person who many were drawn to. After we spent a couple days together as a family which was just what we needed then. We're planning for a funeral in August. Thanks again for carrying us through that time with your prayers, texts and support in many thoughtful and creative ways.

Here are pieces of our heart throughout these links:

Jorden's obituary https://memorials5.frontrunnerpro.com/memorials/jorden-blight/4619644/index.php

A video used for our local church on Camp Day last month https://youtu.be/gTjEGIIEaec

Jorden's favorite song which he learned at a youth retreat last year at camp https://youtu.be/-f4MUUMWMV4

A short devo from Josh https://youtu.be/doyvNi1IP_I

Trevor & Hannah Martin

Thank You For Helping Send To The World
One of the unique aspects of campus ministry is that there are always students graduating (and hopefully new students coming in). It is a bittersweet time to say good bye to students that we've worked closely with and seen grow in their faith, praying that they will continue to grow as disciples of Christ wherever God sends them next. Because of your partnership, we're able to send students to all sectors of society. Pray with us that they will bring the hope and life of Jesus wherever God leads them.

Here are some of this years graduates:

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Hannah (a student) made a big move from Calgary to Waterloo to do a Bachelors of Biomedical Engineering. This move helped Hannah grow in her faith in Jesus and help others to do the same. Through her years at UW, she has helped both Christian and non-Christians step closer to Jesus through her care, humility and wisdom. Pray for Hannah as she moves to Stanford University to do her PhD.

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I've shared many stories of Anastasia's impact on people at University of Waterloo and around the world. Her heart for people to know Jesus is because she discovered the freedom that comes with Jesus when she was in her 1st year. Pray for Anastasia as she's trusting God for her next steps and eventually wanting to return to Nigeria to help youth know the love and grace of Jesus.

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Kalil has a natural joy from Jesus that is attractive to the world. His energy has allowed him to lead our outreach ministry as well as the men's ministry at the University of Waterloo. God has given him amazing gifts of marketing and videography and he will be using that as he works for the International Union of Engineers. Pray that he will continue to be a light for Jesus wherever he goes.

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Daynica consistently reminded me to trust the faithful God that loves us and others. Her heart for God and others rippled throughout the P2C ministry and her friends. It was a joy working with Daynica to help inspire others to desire to grow in their faith through discipleship relationships. Pray for Daynica as she starts her job with KPMG in the Human Resources department.

Are you or do you know a Christian who is in the business realm and wants to invest in the next generation? P2C is launching a summer mentorship program and is need of business mentors for students who are itching for input. Click p2c.sh/bizmentorship2021 for more information!

Has missions stopped because of COVID? This month a group of P2C staff and students participated in a Digital Missions Trip (DMT). You're welcome to join a webinar this Friday to hear stories of how God has been at work through Digital Missions. Register for free at p2c.sh/dmtweb

Family fun

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Some links you might like
1) Spiritual Rhythms of Grace: Reflection and Prayer Guide
2) (song) Harry Connick Jr - God and My Gospel
3) Our favourite granola we make every few weeks

God is doing amazing things through these students.
Please pray that God would
continue to use these students,
wherever He sends them.

Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus

To give financially to our ministry:
go to
p2c.sh/tm or call 1-855-P2C-GIVE

Our mailing address is:
151 Cavelletti Court
Waterloo, Ontario N2K 3X3

Russ & Meredith Martin

The Pickle Tastes Sour

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Dear WBC Friends, thank you so much for your prayer and concern about the schooling situation with our kids. We shared that we feel in a "bit of a pickle". To butcher the metaphor, the pickle tastes a bit sour, but we're moving forward.

Here's how God is answering your prayers.

We asked you to pray:
- For favor with our current school that might enable us to continue there.
God answered this by making it clear that we didn't have favor. Basically a discount that we had been previously getting was removed and with enrolling a third child it effectively doubles our cost, making it unsustainable and pricing us out of the market. We asked for reconsideration and were denied.

- For us to trust God's sovereignty with potential changes.
God answered this through some meaningful times in His Word and in prayer. He has been impressing on our hearts, "There's a reason" and that we can/need to trust that He's good. We've been studying James and 1 Peter and the words "joy" and "gladness" in the context of trials really strike us. Our instinct is to be frustrated with the disruption, rather that embrace what God might have for us. We realize this is deepening our faith and rooting out unbelief in our hearts.

- For discernment in making this decision with imperfect information.
We are now engaged with two schools that have quality programs that will meet the needs of our family at a reasonable price point (expats must pay for private school in Singapore). There are pros and cons, and we grieve no longer being within walking distance to school, but we realize in the grand scheme of life the fact that we even have to make this decision reveals our privilege.

We feel so honoured by your prayers and the many notes of encouragement we received as we needed to move on this quickly. Thank you for journeying with us in helping to lead the next generation of digital missions. It means so much to have you on the team.

Russ (for Meredith & the kids)

Charlotte Martin: "Launching the Digital Mission Trip"

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I myself was a little nervous as I virtually dropped in on our Digital Mission Trip (DMT) that launched on Monday. Even though I wasn't helping to lead this year, I could empathize with my teammates’ nervousness, wondering if participants were going to show up, hoping that teams would click and desiring that the planned content would run smoothly.

As I popped into the zoom call, the 41 staff and student participants were wrapping up an intro game and moving into a time of worship. Seeing everyone's faces on the screen brought a sigh of relief. Everyone showed up! Things are in motion and I can’t wait to hear how God is going to work over the next month.

The DMT this year has split into four focus areas. The first two teams will be reaching out to students in East Asia and Desert Rain using social media platforms. Another group will be partnering with OMF to engage with their ministry activities in Japan, and the last group has a focus on reaching out to international students in Canada.

Wallenstein, thank you so much for your continued partnership that is helping to make the DMT happen. God is using the DMT to plant seeds of faith in the hearts of many students.


Please join us in praying for the digital mission trip this month:

  • Pray that students would grow in their understanding of how God is at work around the world.

  • Pray that God would help us to know how to be effective online missional agents.

A Quick Side Story:
As an online mentor for P2C, I received a message from Maria through our IssuesIFace.com website three months ago. Maria is a college student from the US and she shared that her father had recently passed away. As we've messaged, Maria has been very grateful for someone to "talk to" and process her grief with. Maria seems to have a faith in God, but at times it can be hard to know where she is at with God in the midst of her grief. Pray that I can continue to have meaningful conversations with Maria and that God would be drawing her into a deep relationship with him.

On a personal note, I will be on Sabbatical from May 10 - June 10. I'm looking forward to doing projects around the house, reading, and hopefully having a little fun too! If you respond to this update and don't hear back from me right away that's why.

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P.S. My mom has instilled in me a love for garden metaphors. I planted these tulips last November and was so excited when they began to grow. However, it seems like the flowers are taking forever to bloom. It reminds me that when participating in God’s kingdom work we love the joy of bearing fruit, but we can be impatient and want to rush the growth process.

“It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.” - 1 Corinthians 3:7

Update from the Blights

We just wanted to say hello and thank you for your financial gift last month! We have been in awe of how God continually provides for our needs; financially, spiritually and relationally through the church family. We have specifically enjoyed spending Sunday mornings watching the WBC kids program each week.

Our winter was full of lots of snow and outdoor activities; our family tried skiing together for the first time. It was a neat experience to watch the kids go from knowing nothing (and wanting to give up at times) to going down hills on their own and asking when we can go next.

At camp, Josh has kept working and between lockdowns we were able to host a wedding and 2 retreats as well as some youth events. Deanna set up a clothing swap store at camp and people came shopping for free during the month of March. We were also able to be involved in separate Bible studies and really enjoyed connecting with people during this time. We are thankful for each season and the differences they bring. Spring has been quieter but we're planning, preparing and really hoping for camp to happen this summer!

Our immediate future is in our prayers as we come to the last stretch of our initial commitment at camp. There's lots to consider but we know that God's will for all of us is who we are and the process of sanctification in our lives.

Jorden, (Josh's brother who was diagnosed with brain cancer 5 years ago) has been steadily declining the past few months. It's been a slow process of grieving as we watch him. While we've been so thankful for the extra special times it's really hard to see an able-bodied guy not able to do normal things for himself or carry a conversation. We would appreciate your prayers and/or advice as we navigate this final part of the journey.

God's word tells us to be thankful over and over again in many different verses. He created us and knows us best so it must be for our good to do this. Whatever we're experiencing, let's keep choosing to be thankful no matter how we feel each day. It can shift our perspective and bring joy in any circumstance.

Josh & Deanna Blight
