Missionary Letters

Update from Ecuador

Dear praying friends,

The school year is almost over at Hope of Bastion school. Raul had his last class today [Friday, Jan 31st]. He is pleased to see how his students have progressed in their knowledge of computers since the beginning of the year. He and his students have really enjoyed the renovated computer lab!

The sponsorship office has been a flurry of activity this last month. Because many sponsors wrote for Christmas this year, we have had a lot of work getting the all students to respond during this last month of school. But we are not complaining! We were very encouraged by the number of sponsors who wrote this year and many of those letters lead to conversations with the children about faith. It was also fun to sit with these students and explain things like skating rinks, sledding, and candle light services and see the connections between Canada and Ecuador grow.  

Last week our church invited a speaker, Milton Ortega, for a conference at our church. Milton was one of Raul’s Bible school teachers in Quito years ago. It is the first time our church has had the means and the organization to be able to do this and it was such a refreshment. Milton joined us for youth on Saturday and he captured our youth’s attention as he talked about not conforming to the world. They didn’t want him to stop talking!

As we reflect on this last year within the church, we realize that in the last year or two strong bases have been forming. The elders are now supported by a group of men who are serious about their personal spiritual walk and service in the church. We have also seen more commitment in terms of youth group. Instead of having a fluctuating group like other years, we have had a main group of about 20 youth who faithfully show up each Saturday. Lord willing, the team coming down from our church will get to know all these kids during the week of camp.

Thank you for allowing us to be part of this work.


Raúl and Jessenia

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Update from Ecuador!

Dear praying friends, 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Raul and I hope that you all had a wonderful time celebrating our Saviour’s birth and the blessing of starting a new year.

Thank you for your prayers and support through the Christmas season. It was a really busy time, and we have to admit, a bit stressful. We helped to organize the school, youth and Las Jaguitas Christmas parties along with a Christmas skit for the kids from church. With a baby on the way, it was a little draining.

However, despite the craziness, we were able to delight in the Saviour’s birth. We were also encouraged by the presence of a handful of youth during the church Christmas festivities. Some of them finished a 12 week discipleship program right before Christmas and as we look back over the past year we can see how those youth have grown in their walk with God. They have even made regular church attendance a priority. This may not seem like a big feat to many, but these youth are 14-16 years old and whose families don’t come to church. It takes a lot of commitment at that age to wake oneself up and go to church while the rest of one’s family is sleeping.

Please continue praying for these youth. We have seen so many youth come and go from our church and we pray that these who are showing signs of growth will continue strong and that others would join them. 

These youth had their spiritual interest sparked last year at camp and made it through the year walking with Christ. As camp comes up again, pray that those who are walking strong would come away even more encouraged and that other youth would catch the same interest in a lasting way. We are excited because our church from Canada will be sending a team to camp right over the week that our youth will be there. So they will get to have a part in encouraging these them on their spiritual journey!

In Him,

Raúl and Jessenia    

First picture- the youth Christmas party
Second picture- the youth and leaders who were part of the discipleship course.


Update from Puerto Rico

There was a significant earthquake in Puerto Rico on Monday. The island was without electricity.  At least we had during the day to kind of get used to things and to get in touch with people in the area affected.

I live on the north coast and towards the east.  The worst hit area is the southwest.  I do know of one family who had to leave their home because of two pillars cracking.  They took refuge in a Baptist Church where they attend.

Some 700 people are in refuge centers.  Quite a few buildings collapsed - a school, an historical church building, and many houses.  I feel for these dear people as they also were affected by the hurricane.  

We are praying that the unsaved will cry out to the Lord, and will be saved.  For some reason God has allowed this to happen.

I was without electricity for 24 hours, but some of our church family are still without.

They called me from CMML.  Very nice.

God richly bless you.


Update from the Martins

Off To Christmas Eve Service

Off To Christmas Eve Service

We’re currently sitting on the couch of our 8th floor flat with a nice breeze rolling in through our porch. Once again we find ourselves surrounded by moving boxes. This time our move is from the east side of Singapore island to the west side, about 35km, to get within walking distance to the international school our children attend.

Our kids are being resilient as we take in the last few memories of our current residence and get set to figure out living in a new part of town. A new grocery store, new food stalls, new neighbors, new bus routes and new aunties and uncles to befriend. Of course, there have been bumps along the way, a difficult landlord, procedures that seem obscure/unnecessary and fears that mom and dad will throw out all the toys instead of packing them.

Having arrived one year ago in Singapore with 10 suitcases and three young kids, we are amazed how God has grown us as followers of Jesus, as a family and as missionaries. We’ve been forced into dependence on God and each other as we’ve navigated the stress of adjusting to a foreign environment. The hardest part has been loneliness and feelings of isolation at various times paired with the emotional intensity of constantly initiating to become known in a culture that is often reserved and transactional.

On the homefront we’ve made some friends, integrated into a church and enjoyed exploring all the sights and sounds of Singapore, especially the playgrounds - one even has 26 slides! Going to bed tonight the kids were singing songs in Mandarin Chinese, cementing their hard work in acquiring a second language.

On the mission front, we travelled to 15+ countries to serve, equip and learn from indigenous missionaries. This included Japan, Indonesia, Thailand and India, some of the least Christian and hardest to reach places with the gospel on the earth. Our greatest joy is helping local leaders access tools and strategies they could never otherwise have access to and then watching them reach their local sphere of influence. Our proximity in the region enables this.

As the year draws to a close, our dashboards show over 185 million people from 240+ countries and territories have engaged in some way on our websites and apps. Behind each of those numbers is a name and each name has a story and every story matters to God. A highlight was working behind the scenes to give the leadership lift necessary so that 500,000 people heard a clear gospel presentation through the online streaming of Singapore’s Celebration of Hope events.

All of this wouldn't happen without you. Your prayers and sacrificial giving are making an eternal impact among the last, the lost and the least. We get to experience it first-hand, you are enabling it. Your partnership in the gospel is deeply valued.

We could write you ten pages about all the opportunities ahead in 2020. Leaders in Pakistan, India, Vietnam are asking for help. The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo are a major push. Hundreds of thousands are virtually knocking on our door each day and we’re working hard to show them the true hope found in Jesus.

2019 was an expensive year for us on mission in Asia and leading globally. The opportunities in 2020 will be demanding. If you’d like to help us get started on the right foot in 2020, we welcome your partnership.

Thank you for continuing to stand with us in leading the next generation of digital missions into 2020.


Donate a Year-End Gift

Our New Address:
46 Lakeside Dr
10-11 The Lakefront Residences
Singapore 648324

Photos below:
Merry Christmas from our family
Christmas Morning at 30 degrees C
Christmas traditions in the tropics

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Merry Christmas from Canada

Merry Christmas!  

We know what we will do...

Next year Phil will be taking on the role of Global Director of Strategic Development. This is a full time role continuing the work of helping SIM teams around the world plan, implement, and evaluate ministries that help SIM accomplish the purpose we believe God has given us, as well as leading other strategic initiatives within the organisation.

Andrea will continue with her part time role as Middle East Personnel Coordinator. Andrea is also in conversation about another part time personnel role.  

...but where will we live?

This is a great question and one that we have not yet answered. We are seeking wisdom and direction and we would value your prayers for us as we discern. The two most likely locations on our list at the moment are the UK and Canada. There are pros and cons to each. If you have any thoughts, we'd be happy to hear them!

What have we been doing?

The last three and a half months have involved a lot of travel. In September, we had the privilege of participating in another module of our Integrated Mission Leadership course in the UK. We then spent time in Italy at a leader development event with Dan & Christie, followed by a few days in Rome with Kieran and his girlfriend, Mackenzie. In October, we both participated in and led sessions at a Flourishing People Workshop in Kenya. During these last few months we have also had the opportunity to spend time with three Middle East teams at their respective retreats, as well as joining in the retreat for the International Leadership Team. As part of our travels we were in Singapore for some work meetings and took the opportunity to take a few days to ourselves to explore the city.
We are glad to be staying in one place for Christmas!

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Top: Rugged Scenery of the Middle East
Middle L: In Rome with Kieran and Mackenzie, Middle R: Sun!
Bottom L: Singapore, Bottom R: Out for a walk with Dan & Christie

In our last letter we asked for prayer for Taz, our niece's husband, who was in a motorcycle accident at the end of August and sustained a serious brain injury. Praise God, Taz has been making a remarkable recovery.

Time in the UK...

Jan 21 we leave Canada for a several weeks to:
a) attend the last module of the Integrated Mission Leadership course.
b) visit family and supporters in the UK.
c) look at location options should we decide to live in the UK.
d) attend a meeting in Kenya for of all SIM Directors (we are part of the planning team).
We look forward to getting home on Feb 29 - happy leap year!

As we look at a new location we recognise that we have benefited from very affordable housing options in Ghana and Canada. As we look to make a more permanent move we realise that we will face a significant  rise in our housing cost. Please pray that we will make wise decisions.

Prayer Fuel!

Praise Items

  • Clarity regarding our future roles.

  • Cara has adjusted well to life in Canada.

  • For safe travel and profitable times in our Sep & Oct travels  - including a good Flourishing People workshop.

  • For safe travel and good visits on our recent trip to the Middle East and Asia.

  • That Liam has enjoyed his co-op job in the ecology lab at the university.

  • For healing for Taz.

Items for Prayer

  • For wisdom regarding where we should live.

  • For wisdom as Phil transitions into a new role. 

  • For wisdom for Kieran as he continues to consider next steps.

  • For safety in travel and good connections with people in the UK.

  • That the Directors' Retreat will be of benefit to all that attend.

Thanks for your interest, support and prayers throughout 2019, a year that brought great changes and new opportunities. We recognize that it is your prayers that have sustained us through this time of transition. We look to the New Year with a clearer sense of direction but still some big decisions to make, and we value your continued prayers.
Our prayer for each of you is that you will have time this Christmas to reflect on and celebrate God's greatest gift.

For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Happy Christmas
Andrea and Phil