Jenn Brubacher - February 2023

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I was thankful to attend and emcee YFC's Eastern regional retreat in Cobourg, gathering with staff from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. The more time I spend with this volleyball team, the more I am reminded of the gift it is to be present in students' lives. They are starting to share things they are wrestling with, enjoying and thinking through. Trust is being built, which is an honour and responsibility. Our junior high drop-in is growing!  PRAY: Pray for students as they enter exam season. These are the first exams since the pandemic, and stress and anxiety levels are high. Continue to pray for 'Georgia,' that she would continue to choose life, for the student that lost a family member a few weeks ago, and for the student who has a strained relationship with their parents. Our team needs God's presence, wisdom and care to walk with these students well.