Charlotte Martin - February 2024

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: The Honduras mission trip is happening February 16-24. There are 27 staff and student participants (a lot more than the 10-15 we were hoping for). Most students are almost done their fundraising. Praise God for his provision. For a large donation received last year that is helping us lower the cost for some students to go on mission trips. We've had a student intern (Janis) helping us with global missions marketing for the last 6 months. She's done an incredible job and helped us promote mission trips well.  PRAY: Safety for the Honduras mission trip, and that our team would be a blessing to the local ministry we are planning to serve. For wisdom as we process applications for our May-June mission trips. For creativity and wisdom as I plan how to lead my team through a strategic planning process later this spring. We are hoping to have 1-2 interns for our DR partnership for fall 2024. Pray for God to raise up these people.