Charlotte Martin - November 2023

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Guelph, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: Mission trip promotions at our fall Summit retreats went well. Our theme of "Deepen your roots, and Widen your horizons" was well received. We have 17 students in the process of applying for mission trips and 1 completed application so far. For productive and fun in-person meetings in October with the global missions team I lead (we meet in Hamilton) and the national leadership team I'm on (we meet in Halifax). It was wonderful to meet in person, but now I am looking forward to staying put for a while.  PRAY: November, or Govember as we call it, is a month where many P2C campus groups have a global missions emphasis. Pray that students would respond to God's invitation to be a part of his global work, we are praying for 40+ students to go on mission trips in 2024. We need more staff leaders for 3 of our 7 trips. Pray for me as I prepare to speak about global missions at Wilfrid Laurier University November 16.