Phil & Andrea Bauman - SIM

"2024 is a big year!"

We have heard numerous variations of this recently. Feb was Phil's commissioning, June was Cara's graduation and then August has been especially big!

We are grandparents!

Thea Deborah was born Aug 5th weighing in at 8lbs and 3oz. Everyone is doing well and Kieran and Mackenzie are doing a great job figuring out parenting! Thea arrived the day between her parents' birthdays - Mackenzie's is August 4th and Kieran's August 6th!

We gained a daughter!

August 24th was Liam and Meridith's wedding day. It was a beautiful sunny day for an outdoor ceremony held on Meridith's parents' farm. 

It was great to have 2.5 week old Thea there for some pictures too!

Family for a visit!

Along with celebrating big milestones we also enjoyed having Andrea's family come to visit. Andrea's brother and his family were with us for 2 weeks around the wedding and Andrea's dad and stepmum were with us for one week. It has been 7 years since we were together with all of Andrea's family. It was great to get a 4 generations photo with Thea!

South Africa team visit

Last time we mentioned that we would be spending time with the team in South Africa. We had a great time with them and learned lots about our team and that amazing country. Phil spoke several times to the team on 'being a people of peace'. Following the team conference, we had opportunities to visit a number of our workers who are based in the Durban and Johannesburg areas.

Later in July we enjoyed some vacation to recharge and to prepare for the August celebrations!

Looking Ahead 

Cara moves to Toronto this week to start her Masters of Physiotherapy. We are glad she has a place to stay. Pray that her studies go well.
Meridith has finished her Masters in Public Health and is looking for a job.

For Andrea and Phil, the next several months are very busy with Board of Governors meetings in Ghana the second week of September. It will be great to be back in Ghana, although unfortunately we will not be able to stay long enough to get back to the north.
Phil then participates in a missions conference in Ethiopia before heading to the Lausanne Congress in Seoul, Korea.
In October we will also be visiting our team in Charlotte, USA and North East India.
In November, Phil will be with the the International Leadership Team and we will both spend some time in Asia before heading to a centenary celebration in Niger in early December.
As you can see, the next few months are very busy. Pray for wisdom in all our interactions and speaking engagements. 
Andrea continues to serve as part of the International Personnel team and seeks to juggle that in the midst of travel. 

For Prayer

Praise God

  • For the great time with the South Africa team.

  • That we had a great week of vacation in July.

  • For the provision of good housing in Toronto for Cara

  • For Thea's safe arrival and that she is growing well. 

  • For Meridith and Liam's wedding.

  • That Andrea's family could visit and be with us for the wedding.


  • That Thea will be healthy & strong and for Kieran and Mackenzie to have wisdom in parenting.

  • For Liam and Meridith to have a strong Christian marriage.

  • That Meridith will find a job in the field of public health.

  • That Cara will be able to settle in quickly to life in Toronto.

  • For Phil as he participates in his first Board meetings as International Director.

  • For wisdom for Andrea and Phil as we plan our schedules and speaking engagements.

  • That Andrea will have wisdom as she serves SIM's personnel coordinators.

  • For safe, uneventful travel.

Thank you for your prayers and interest.