Charlotte Martin - September 2024

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE  (Elmira, ON; Power to Change)  PRAISE: Our last 2024 mission trip happened in August. There were no major incidents on any of our trips (just minor things). We had a great time this week reviewing the 2024 trips - talking about successes, challenges, and changes we'd like to change for next year. We are adding a new person to the global missions team this week who is going to support me and our team with logistics and admin help.  PRAY: Pray for students as they start a new school year. Pray that many students, Christian and non-Christian, would get connected to Christian community this fall. Pray for my team as we confirm the locations and leaders for our 2025 mission trips. We have confirmed 5 of the 16 leaders we need. Pray for me as I attend the Lausanne Movement’s Seoul 2024 Congress in South Korea September 20-28. Pray for flight details to work out as Air Canada might go on strike days before I fly. Pray for meaningful connections at the congress and that I would have an open heart to what God desires to do in my life through this experience.