Robert & Susan Martin - Kingston Prison Ministries

“God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound (prisoners) into prosperity; But the rebellious dwell in a dry land.” 
Psalm 68:5-6 

Dear Friends,

Back in 2012 we were asked by a prison chaplain at one of the minimum security institutions to facilitate the Alpha program. 

 It has continued regularly each week in this institution since then and many men have had the opportunity to hear the gospel.  

In order to avoid the constant rep etition of Alpha we have interspersed other DVD series.     

Most recently the alternative to Alpha has been The Story, a broad chronological overview of the Bible. Moving through Scripture, we see God's love and grace intentionally weaving heaven and earth together in the story of redemption.

This study has also been well received! 

Just prior to starting The Story, there was a sudden increase in the inmate population at this particular institution due to transfers in and we have had a dramatic rise in attendance each Wednesday evening with many of these men hearing the gospel for the first time.  Amazing timing!

From these new attendees have come requests for one-on-one visits:

I met with *Andy and learned he has been in for 30 years - much longer than his original sentence  - probably due to bad choices and bad connections. He has been in so many altercations, he now has permanent physical and neurological damage.  His deteriorating health is a “wake up call”.  Out of fear and frustration Andy expressed to me that he “wants to connect with God”.  He readily took a copy of the Bible and is reading the Gospel of John.

*Ken:  He is a pleasant, polite, clean cut young man.  He was deeply convicted Wednesday evening and requested a one-on-one visit. Pray that the seed of the Gospel would take root in the good soil of a repentant heart.

As well, in this same chapel program, we have observed some beautiful fellowship happening among the men who are believers. In a “dog eat dog” environment you never ever really trust anyone. The goal is to get out and never look back at the dark days inside prison. But we have observed those who are “long-time attendees” (months and even years) who have come to faith in Christ begin to trust one another and connect at a deeper level because of their shared faith in the Saviour.  The love of God brings healing and wholeness; it breaks down the barriers so that genuine relationships of trust and care can happen, even inside prison walls with fellow inmates. (Something we as believers on the outside can easily take for granted). 

Thank you for your prayers as we share the good news to men inside prisons. Enjoy these warm months with the different activities and vacation times.


Robert and Susan