Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change

Caring About Care

Trevor has spent these last couple of months leading a team of Power to Change staff across Canada to better understand the mental and emotional health realities within of our ministry.  Often our staff (including Trevor 5 years ago) haven't/don't recognize the signs of languishing mental health until it is too late. Through this project Trevor, his team and some collaborators have worked toward recommending and implementing helpful action. Some of these steps included making suggestions to leadership and adding in more check-in opportunities/questions for staff and their supervisors around this topic. Lord willing, these initiatives will surface mental health related challenges sooner.  

Sometimes ministry is a family activity.  Here is the 3 of us working on gathering the P2C Equipped Bible Study books so they can be shipped to our P2C Store at our National Resource Centre in BC. Trevor has been overseeing distribution of these resources in recent years, but is now passing the baton.

Got Questions?

"How do you reconcile the unfairness in the world and its impact on your faith?"
"How can you tackle the shame around sexual sin?"

"How do you see Christianity as empowering to women?"
"Is it possible to disagree with something from the Bible and still pursue Christ?"

The questions above are just some of the questions that our panel tackled this past month at our Women's Event, "Got Questions?". Hannah learned that many of the women had questions, but were scared to ask them, so we got them to send in questions anonymously and tried to address as many as possible. The students were so grateful for the wisdom and humility that the panel brought while they answered these difficult questions.  Please pray that we would see strong disciples of Jesus raised up at the University of Waterloo. 


Top Left: Everyone squeeze in
Top Right: Amelia is 7.5!
Bottom Right: Fun with Daddy

Bottom Left: Avery may have tasted some strawberries while picking