Phil & Andrea Bauman - SIM

How is it going?

That is a question that have been asked a lot over the last 3 months. And the response:

We are very encouraged! Thank you!

We would both say the first three months of Phil’s new role have gone well. Yes, there are challenges. Yes, there are difficult situations. However, these sorts of things are not new. They are part of leading an organisation with people!
While Phil's role is new to him, he still gets to work with most of the same people, he works in the same office and we live in the same house. There is a sense that nothing much is new. However, at times it can feel like almost everything is new.
Andrea is grateful because she too feels as though it’s been a gentle transition, which has been definitely helped by not having to move country, or even house. And she's also still working with many of the same people.
Plus, we continue to be so encouraged by the many people that have told us they are praying for us.

In April we were able to gather with the Executive Team for a few days of learning and growing together. We were blessed to be together in a beautiful place in Austria. Please pray for this team as they lead alongside Phil.

We then stayed on in Austria and spent time with the leaders we are mentoring as part of SIM's Leader Development initiative. We were delighted that they got their visas and thankful for the times we had together and with the other leaders and mentors who were there.

Moving forward

In the coming weeks we expect to spend some time with the SIM team in South Africa and then to be closer to home for much of the summer. 

September to December will be an extremely busy season so we are grateful to have a couple of months with minimal travel and some time off beforehand.

Celebrating family 

This week we celebrated Cara's graduation from university with a degree in Kinesiology. She is looking forward to starting her Master's of Physiotherapy in September. 

Grandparenting! We are eagerly anticipating joining the grandparent club, likely sometime in late July. Kieran and Mackenzie are expecting their first child. Please pray for a safe delivery and healthy baby.
The excitement then continues with Liam and Meridith's wedding on August 24th followed by their move to Ottawa in September since Meridith has been offered a job there.

We are very grateful for God's blessing and hand of protection on our family over the years. Please continue to pray for all of us in the months ahead.

For Prayer

Praise God

  • For the many who are praying for us as we continue to adjust to new roles.

  • For the many opportunities we have had to connect with colleagues in different places, including the Executive Team and the leader couple we are mentoring.

  • For Cara's graduation and acceptance to do her Master's of Physiotherapy. 

  • That Mackenzie and Kieran are expecting their first child.

  • For Liam and Meridith's upcoming wedding.

  • For the opportunity to spend time with the South Africa team.


  • For Phil as he has several sessions of speaking at the South Africa Team conference.

  • For wisdom for Andrea and Phil as we plan our schedules so that we will have time for rest and each other.

  • That Phil would be able to wisely prioritise how he spends his time.

  • That Mackenzie and the baby would both remain healthy and strong. 

  • For Liam & Meridith as they prepare to be married in August.

  • For Cara as she searches for housing in Toronto, close to her place of study.

Thank you for your prayers and interest.