Trevor & Hannah Martin - June 2024


  • For over 40 students who made decisions to follow Christ across Canada this year, including 2 at UWaterloo!

  • For a really good working relationship between Trevor and his supervisor for the last 4 years. Also, praise God that Trevor's administrative role in recent years has helped him to maintain good mental health.

  • For God opening doors for campus ministry in Quebec as well as partnership with churches there.


  • For Hannah as she ministers on campus in the spring/summer semester at UWaterloo. Pray for God to sustain her as she is used to working on other things during the summer and taking a breather from on campus ministry.

  • For God's help and renewing work in the midst of some conflict amongst some of Hannah's teammates. Hannah is not directly involved, but a couple of conflict situations are affecting the whole team and changes need to be made.

  • For wisdom and direction as we parent our two girls. Avery is 2 and Amelia is 7 (in grade 2).

  • For God's leading as our ministry would like to expand to new campuses to help more students discover Jesus, but we have capacity and staffing limits. "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few..."