Robert & Susan Martin - June 2024


  • Opportunities to minister in one particular institution (JAU) are increasing.  

  • We were not exposed to a bloody fight that took place in the chapel following a service in Collins Bay Medium.

  • Successful completion of a 6 week Bible study. We had positive feedback from the men and we rejoice in the faithful consistent attendance.

  • BG is on the street in a halfway house and his most recent communication with us was:  "God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I am putting in an application for full parole in June."

  • Pray for his consistent steady walk with the Lord.  So important for continued success.


  • For repentant hearts for P and C.  They know biblical truth and righteousness but they need to acknowledge their sin as King David did.

  • For physical safety as some prison environments can be very volatile.

  • For F.  His son was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident two months ago.  It is very difficult to support his wife and other children from prison.

  • For N....a correctional guard.  Last week after we were finishing up our weekly program with the inmates he approached us and asked if we could provide him with a Bible.   We chatted for 20 minutes and suggested he start with the Gospel of John.

  • For D.  He has a Christian upbringing but made some unwise choices that have brought him to prison. It is very difficult for his family.  We are praying D does not grow bitter, disregarding Truth and becoming derailed from Christ-centered living.