Raul & Jessenia Espinoza - Ecuador

Dear Family at WBC,

Greetings from the Espinozas and a Happy New Year to you! 2024 has begun and with it comes anticipation for what God has in store. However, we cannot forget all that He did in 2023- how He cared for us as a family and how He has been making His kingdom grow.

 We are so grateful for you and your faithful partnership in our lives down here. We are able to live each month concentrating on the work set in front of us because of your monthly generosity. Thank you! We love what we do here and are so grateful we have the possibility to keep doing it, thanks to you.

We would like to reflect a little on this past year and how God has been working and in doing so, we hope you will feel encouraged by what has been happening in Guayaquil. 

Spring of 2023 was filled with Canada connections. We were excited to host the Wallenstein team and accompany them for a week of camp at the beach. It was a pleasure to see “our” people from Canada create connections with our Ecuadorian friends. We traveled back to Canada with the team for Jessenia’s brother’s wedding. After refreshing quality time with our Canada family, we felt the pull to hurry back to Ecuador because big things were happening at the school.

2023 was the year to see all the theoretical work Raul and the school board did last year be put into practice at Hope of Bastion School. In May, we welcomed a new principal to the school. We clearly saw God’s hand in placing her in that position. She has shown an untiring, firm, and determined leadership as she directs the school into the future. Raul has been working alongside her, along with a team of people, to provide support and make decisions as difficulties arise.

A source of great joy and encouragement this year has been the youth group. Instead of catering our events to inviting new youth, we have focused them on the youth we have, seeking to foster a community of friendship and deepening relationship with Jesus. A core group has formed who show up regularly on Sunday mornings and help out with Sunday school. Praise God for youth who are making their walk with Jesus a habit in their lives!

Our “ministry” at home has also been fulfilling. The boys are growing happy and healthy and make us smile on a daily basis. Tiago is an intelligent, curious boy who stumps us with his well thought-out questions. Danilo challenges us with his strong will, but in general is one of funniest little boys we know. We are so thankful God has seen fit to bless us with these energetic boys.

The biggest challenge this year was the spike of violence in the country due to gang activity. We no longer walk around Bastion freely, and limit our time there mostly to the church and school which are near a main road. Now in the new year, the government has launched a “war” against the gangs which has caused even more violence around the country. Our hearts are full of sadness for the lives that have been lost and affected, but we hope that the government’s intervention will bring peace to the country.

Prayer requests:

  • Safety for our family and community.

  • Wisdom as we raise our sons.

  • Wisdom for how to carry out our ministry in the midst of the unrest around the country.

  • That the youth would grow in their walk with Christ and be encouraged.

  • For continued spiritual growth and interest at Hope of Bastion School.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support of the ministry here in Ecuador.

The Espinozas (Raul, Jessenia, Tiago and Danilo)