Jenn Brubacher - Youth For Christ (Listowel)

Jenn's Ministry Update

A student I know quite well asked if I would be willing to meet with one of their friends. This friend had questions about faith, life and purpose, and we set up a time to meet. This student gave me a glimpse into their profound challenges and questions they were afraid to ask and said something I often reflect on:


“I’ve seen the difference [following Jesus] can make in other people’s lives. It’s made me curious about what this could mean for my life.”

- former student, 20


This is why we do what we do. Isn’t it bonkers that God invites you and me to join Him in this?! Your investment is meeting students where they’re at, giving them a safe, steady presence to walk alongside them, just like this student quoted above experienced. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in Listowel and surrounding area.

In January, my hours increased from 30 to 40 hours/week, and the ripple effect of having more time to serve students is astounding. To continue to serve students in this capacity, I need $1000/month in new funding. Will you join my monthly support team?

Youth camp at Conestoga Bible Camp is arguably one of my favourite weeks, and this year was a year like no other. Here are two highlights:

  • The counsellor team was filled with people I worked with as a day camp counsellor back in the day! What a gift to reconnect and serve with each other again.

  • Six students from Listowel were youth campers, two of them being students I coached in volleyball! When I asked a student who doesn’t have a church background if they would return to CBC, they said, “Oh yeah, of course, especially because of the leaders.” I’m thrilled to continue to build relationships with these students throughout the school year. Join me in praying for this student!

Volleyball Camp

Ben, from Youth Unlimited YFC North Huron, and I partnered and ran our very first volleyball camp at Between the Lines during the last week of July. It was a huge success! Nine girls joined us as we spent our time focusing on skill and leadership development. We also took the opportunity to share how our faith has changed our lives and how we live, think and act in the day-to-day. It was a fantastic time to build relationships with a new group of students and parents. We have big dreams to grow this, and we, alongside the students, are excited about where this will go!


  • Our team is so thankful to have good relationships with the local schools and for the start of a new school year. Please pray for staff, students, janitors, EAs, Kevin and me as we coach boys' volleyball and Ainsley as she volunteers at a local elementary school.

  • May this year be a year of transformation, hope and new life. As we continue to serve students from all walks of life, may they be filled with deep curiosity and a desire for new life!

  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to attend the YFC Global Assembly in the Netherlands on October 19-25, 2023. Please pray for safe travels.

I’m reminded once again of God’s goodness in His provision and the gift it is to have a team surrounding me in prayer and financial support. I may be on the front lines, but you are a part of what God is doing in Listowel and surrounding area. Thank you!

All For His Glory,