Ray & Carol Jones

Dear friends, 

This will no doubt be a surprise for many of you.  In some cases it will be welcome because you haven't heard from us for far too long, in other cases it is unwelcome, because you already get too many. If the latter is the case, just drop me a "no thanks' and I'll delete - sorry, my computer skills don't stretch to an "Unsubscribe" button. :(

For those who are surprised to hear from us, I'll humbly confess my failures and try to explain.

I had no idea what a mess my email list was in until my very smart daughter came and sorted it out for me; then I realized how many of our friends we've been out of contact with.

A brief update: Carol and I were married in Bedford, England (1965) and moved to Leeds for Carol to continue with her nursing career. We began a branch of Young Life and eventually, with a few others, started Garforth Evangelical Church. In September 1974 we were challenged to take the gospel to Bolivia. In January of 1975, with our dear friends, Frank and Jeanette Brealey, we left to train with New Tribes Mission. Frank and Jeanette headed for Africa whilst Carol and I ended up serving the Lord in Canada, where I was involved in teaching and training missionary candidates. We served with NTM until 2010 when we moved about fifty miles south, to be nearer to some of our family. It wasn't long before I was invited onto the board of Guelph Bible Conference Center and eventually was asked to be in my current position of Vice Chairman of the Board. 

For many years I have ministered among the Lord's people, mainly across southern Ontario, besides enjoying the many opportunities the Lord brings a long to counsel folk, witness, preach and teach etc. 

Carol has struggled with poor health for many years and has recently added osteoporos to her list.  However, she has continued to faithfully follow the Lord and is a vital part of our ministry. By the Lord's grace, I appear to be in good health, thanks to a good doctor and modern medicine. Again, By His grace we plan to continue to seek to be used for the Lord's glory. We appear to have outlived or outlasted most, or many, of the precious friends who so faithfully stood with us. Please pray for us as we continue to be vessels for His use. This is a sadly needy world and the Lord is still the only answer, isn't He?

Our warmest love to you,

Ray and Carol

Rom 9:1  I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,  9:2  that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart.

Why did Paul experience such continual and deep grief in his heart? Why was he so upset? Paul’s primary concern was that fact that many of his own countrymen, even his own relatives were unsaved. Despite the fact that they had so many advantages; the very Word of God; promises; covenants and even His manifested glory, they still were not saved! Mat_14:14  ..when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, ....   Are we deeply grieved and moved with compassion over the lost?   Ray Jones

Let me look at the crowd as my Saviour did,

Till my eyes with tears grow dim,

Let me look till I pity the wandering sheep

And love them for love of Him.

                                                    R. A. Jarvie

From Choice Gleanings Calendar.