J&R (South Asia)

Dear Wallenstein Bible Chapel,

Thank you for faithfully remembering us & the work here. We're grateful for your support -- especially in the busy & often hectic life of boarding school!

We've just begun a new term and would appreciate your prayers in a few ways over the next 6 weeks or so.

Sending our love,

J&R the boys


  • PRAISE the Lord for a restful week last week. We were able to get some good quality time in as a family. The campus is nice and quiet in these times!

  • PRAISE for new opportunities to shepherd hearts on campus. R has taken on the Prayer Breakfast Coordinator role. Students gather each week on Tuesdays to pray together for the school. The committee meets over lunch on Wednesdays to share life & plan for upcoming events. It's wonderful to see a new generation engaging in the discipline of prayer. 

  • PRAISE for a few of our key staffing needs being met already for next year. Pray for more answers to prayer as we look to fill spots for August 2023.


  • PRAY for many of our expat colleagues who are navigating Indian tax season. It's a bit daunting to say the least. Pray for wisdom and clarity as they navigate all the legislation.

  • PRAY for the term ahead. This is the last term of the school year. Many students will write important exams this term & our Year 13s are preparing to leave & begin their journeys elsewhere at university and abroad. Pray that all they've learned and have had sown into them over their years here would grow in their hearts. May God's Word produce fruit.

  • PRAY for the groups of women continuing to meet to hear stories each week from the Word. We press on in hope that they will give their whole hearts to Jesus. This month is Ramadan, so many are seeking answers to prayer. May the Spirit move in hearts.

Top Left: J spent 4 days camping with the Year 7s. It was a great time to connect with a new year group.
Top Right: M sporting a medal on Sports Day.
Bottom Left: The Fiddler on the Roof production was a big success!
Bottom Right: We did quite a few family hikes & bike rides over the break.