Russ & Meredith Martin (Singapore)

Dear WBC Friends,

We're in an intensive season and value your prayers for our family and ministry.

Family & Health
- The challenges with Meredith and Gwenyth's skin have largely stabilized and are mostly a daily discomfort at this time. Thank you for all who journeyed with us in prayer on this topic.
- Russ' work pass is in renewal, which we expect to be approved, but we live with a lingering reality that it's possible we would have 30 days to pack up and leave Singapore.

Life in the local church
- God has blessed us with rich relationships and many opportunities for personal ministry and discipleship which give us a lot of life and opportunities to bless others.
- We are also journeying with a number of people through broken/strained marriages, relationships and mental health challenges. There is lots of room for God's grace to abound but also a spiritual intensity as we care for those in our sphere of influence. 

Work & Ministry
- Recently Russ spent about two weeks solving a major issue with the finance & registration process for the Seoul 2024 congress. Trips had to be canceled and other priorities put on hold to deal with this issue affecting thousands of people and large sums of money. The technical aspects of the problem were interesting but the time pressure and coordination challenges were stressful.
- Overall our task lists seem to be about 3-4x longer than we have capacity for and there's a daily reality of always needing to disappoint people.
- Meredith's computer seemingly had a literal meltdown, with some sort of overheating issue and it suddenly wouldn't start, leaving us scrambling to get equipment for her to carry on her critical design tasks.

Please join us in praying for:
1. The successful renewal of Russ' work pass
2. Wisdom in journeying with people through challenging relationships, allowing God's grace to work.
3. The focus to work only on the most important projects and for God to provide capable men and women to help carry the load.

Thank you for your friendship and partnership in bringing the gospel to new people, places and spaces.

Russ (for Meredith, Wyatt, Gwenyth, Heath)

Photos below:
1. Attending Gwenyth's speech at a student council ceremony. 
2. Hosting a German colleague for a local breakfast experience - Kopi + Kaya Toast
3. Co-organized a youth event after church to foster friendships