Phil & Andrea Bauman

Thank you for your interest and prayers.
As we come to this Easter weekend we'd like to share this video with you (click the picture above) from colleagues around the world.

Apr 2023

Also here are some items for prayer
Praise God:

  • For a great Global Assembly of mission leaders around the world.

  • For good Board of Governors meetings.

  • That we have enjoyed safe and uneventful travel.

  • For the opportunity to spend time with a colleague from Europe as we joined European Christian Mission for a few days of their biennial conference.

  • That we get to be together with Andrea's colleagues from the Middle East for a time of spiritual renewal and refreshment.

  • That Andrea and colleagues have seen a relatively smooth transition to a new people management system.

Please pray 

  • That we can be an encouragement to our colleagues who live and work in challenging Middle East contexts.

  • For Phil as he and a colleague facilitate a review of SIM's global sports ministry this month.

  • That we can have good face-to-face time together with Phil's Executive Team colleagues at our retreat in a couple weeks.

  • For continued uneventful and safe travel.

  • For wisdom in our various roles and responsibilities.

Thanks for praying for us
Phil & Andrea