J&R K - South Asia - January 2023

J&R  (South Asia; Frontiers)  PRAISE: For a good finale to the 2nd term.  We both feel more comfortable in our roles as the days go by.  For the opportunity to say farewell to 3 long-term members of staff who have together served 87 years at Hebron!  We're thankful for the opportunity to serve alongside them, learn from them and be blessed by all they have given to this place.  For continued opportunities to share Good News and live out the gospel daily with many who do not know or follow Jesus. We're thankful for the daily opportunities to model & explain to students what the Bible means and how loving Jesus is so much more than opening rules & living up to expectations.  PRAY:  For a time of rest & refreshment over the holidays as we visit dear friends from our days in our former country of service. For the groups of mostly women who have been meeting over the past year and a half to hear stories from the Bible. Pray for hungry hearts and open eyes and ears to hear Good News. For me (R) as I come back into my role as Principal's Secretary full time in January. Pray for peace in the transition and humility as we all learn new patterns, balance expectations, and adjust to the inevitable change that it will be.