Marissa Brubacher - Short term Mission to Central America

Praise & Prayer Report

I would love for you all to join me in prayer for the people in Nicaragua. So many of them are already so faithful to him even though they don’t have much which is such a big praise. But I pray that even when they go through hardships they would continue to lean on God even when they might not fully understand what he is doing.

Pray that I would continue to step out in faith and not be shy to speak about him.

Prayer for when we go to Costa Rica (we leave on Oct 12) the reality that we have to say goodbye to the friendships we have here in Nicaragua is quite hard. So prayer that we would be able to go into Costa Rica with a good attitude and excited to see what God can do in this new place.

A praise I have is that there is a girl we met named Kimberly who has kidney problems. The family doesn’t have the money they need to give her the proper treatments and they also have a very small house with a lot of people living in it. Kimberly’s mom has been praying for a long time that God would provide them with the funds they need for Kimberly’s treatments but also money to build a new home. One of my teammates decided to reach out to people she knew back home to raise some funds for them. She ended up raising $530 which is insane! That is enough for Kimberly’s treatments and for them to build a new home for their growing family. So the organization we are working with, REAP, is going to help her build a new home and get Kimberly to and from her appointments.

God is so good and has shown himself in so many ways here in Nicaragua. I am excited to continue to see the ways he works here in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
