Gord Martin & Doug Loveday - Kenya update #5

Home! Both Doug and I have been in good health throughout the trip, are bone tired and very thankful!

Physically, I feel a bit like this donkey on the road in front of us, not in a hurry to move!

Ishmael and his team, now have three more upcoming conferences on three successive weekends in the western part of Kenya. It’s a grueling schedule. The church leaders in those regions are deeply disappointed we will not be with them in person. They will be using pre-recorded videos we made before we left. Please pray for them. The roads are brutal in those areas.

What did we accomplish on this trip? Only God knows the full answer, but here are a few things that come to mind:

  1. We encouraged and provided leadership training for church leaders and others whose daily challenges make ours look very small. They welcomed us with great enthusiasm and open arms.

  2. We, along with the VMK board, learned that we need to adjust our strategy.

    1. Our future focus will be on providing central training, of carefully selected people who have the capacity to train others also

    2. Social and physical projects like the well, are of enormous value. We need to elevate their priority.

We met two influential men who gave us valuable and wise counsel.

We saw over and over again, just how dynamic and full of hope people in Kenya are! This picture captures the pervasive optimism that is commonplace.

We are committed to another five years of support for Vision Ministries Kenya. Chris Atkinson of Angus, who was with us on a couple of earlier trips to Burundi and Kenya will be taking over my role. I plan to help him transition into that role and provide ongoing support to VMK.

A few of you have asked; we have raised all the funds needed for this trip and just over 30K of this year’s total 48K VMK budget.

You’ve got to see this. Go to my Facebook page. This Maasai muscian was a big hit at our last Sunday gathering in Kaijado.

Doug Loveday has been a wonderful partner on this trip. It was so obvious to see how valuable it is to have complimentary spiritual gifts represented on any team!

We are very thankful to the Lord for carrying us safely there and back. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

To see the 10 year celebration report of VMK, go to https://vision-ministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/10-Year-Celebration-Report.pdf


Couldn’t help myself, one more picture!





Gord Martin

Vision Ministries Canada