Gord Martin & Doug Loveday - Kenya Update #1

Greetings to all of you from Kenya,


 We had Internet issues here which kept us from communicating as we had hoped.

After a looong day and night of travel we were ready for the restoring miracle of sleep! The modest hotel we have stayed at each year has undergone a significant upgrade – even has an elevator. The rooms are now quite nice. I woke up once in the middle of the night to discover a mosquito, inside the mosquito netting. I said good night to him and slept on!

Faith Alive church, in a slum neighbourhood, is hosting our Nairobi conference. It’s a new member of the VMK network of Nairobi churches. Their worship team are terrific! God was with us, in a powerful way, both through the singing and the speaking. Thank you for praying! 17 churches were represented yesterday, perhaps another 6-7 today. These church leaders are our primary focus but members from the host church attended as well.

  • The theme, “Put me to the test says the Lord your God”, has gone over very well!

  • This afternoon Doug spoke on sexual wholeness, his talk was big hit!

The pervasive poverty is a powerful presence at every turn, overwhelming.


After the sessions yesterday, I was talking with some of the young children who were there. One of them brought me a chair, then each of them ran to get a chair and I was surrounded by 8-10 inquisitive children, ages from 6-12. Tell us stories about your country! Was the airplane we came on in space? Was Canada farther away than Uganda? They  couldn’t get close enough!

On a sad note, Doug Lovedays’s brother-in-law Paul and his wife Annie who are missionaries in the Philippines, have been sick with COVID; she died of it a few days ago and, last we heard he was still very weak. Pray for Paul and their family.

Thank you for your encouragement and support!

Gord Martin

Vision Ministries Canada

145 Lincoln Road, Waterloo, ON

519-501-5933 cell
