Esther Frey - June 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence)  PRAISE:  Students who have been transferred to other prisons quickly let us know their new address!  A new student has become the Bible teacher in his area of the prison.  Our COVID restrictions have been lowered and permission has been granted for camps to be held.  Rules are to come out before the end of May.  The second coat got on the roof of my house after almost a week of rain, but no leaks!!  Saw my family doctor this month and she was so pleased with my labs that she said I don't need to do them for the next 3 months.  Praise God.  My eye condition is stable and I continue injections in my left eye every 3 months.  My accountant got my taxes filed the last day!  "Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within bless His holy name."

PRAY: TraumaHealing classes for children, June 7-11. Four boys, ages 12, will be attending. These will be held at our chapel. A team of 18 is coming from Tennessee to work at the camp June 5-11. Pray for Luis as he prepares for their arrival. Keep in your prayers the upcoming teen camp in July, the third week. Pray for Ramon and Lavinia who are the directors. We are still waiting for the company who will do the bathroom repairs at the chapel. It is urgent. We have some handicapped people who find it hard to go downstairs Sunday mornings to the bathrooms.