Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change

Trevor spends some of his time coaching staff from across the country. One of the staff in Vancouver he coaches shared this story of what God is doing there: 

"I am leading a discipleship group with a student named Caleb!  This is Caleb's first time leading a group.  I was honestly nervous to start a brand new discipleship group with him in the second term.  I wanted so badly for it to be a good experience for him, because it's his first time.   I also know that starting a new group in second term can be hard.  Usually by second term we are consolidating groups because members have stopped attending as often.  This year is so different!  We have six huge discipleship groups with 20 to 30 attendees, and mine and Caleb's has 20 members now too!  

We usually go around the circle and share a highlight from our week and also a lowlight.  When it got to Mahalia's turn today, she said, "my highlight from the week is that I finally accepted Jesus!"   


I then went to our office, where students are making candy grams for valentines!  They are selling them to raise funds for the homeless shelters in Vancouver's downtown east side.  I had a lot of fun folding origami hearts with them and packing candy!
While I was in the office, one of our students named Jenalyn came through the door literally jumping up and down and raising her hands in the air saying "God is amazing!!"  She had just shared the gospel with a student who was friends with another student who came to faith last semester.  This girl had never heard the gospel before, but knew her friend believed it.  She soaked in everything!  She was so excited to learn about the concept of grace!  Even after repeatedly being asked if she was sure she wanted to accept Jesus, she excitedly prayed!

I then walked over to the seminary on campus at UBC and helped Jenalyn buy a Bible for this new sister in Christ!" Praise God for these changed life stories!!

Another Loss

In January, Trevor's paternal grandma passed away. We're grateful for the times we could spend together at family gatherings and at the farm where she lived. She was always in the know about many of the happenings amongst her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She valued good food, hard work and quality time with people. This marks the end of a season as it was Trevor's last grandparent.

Our last time going to visit Grandma Martin at the farm.

Kids Zone

TL:Amelia has been enjoying puzzles recently. She did this 200 piece one by herself one afternoon. 
BL:Amelia 'snow queen' sitting in her 'snow throne'. 
TR:Avery is still figuring out what snow is. Soon she will learn to enjoy it with her sister!
BR:"Don't lose it! Re-use it!" 

Prayer Requests
1) For Hannah as she has started working again part-time ministering to students at Laurier university and also mentoring some new staff in Ottawa. 
2) For Avery to get a spot in daycare. And also for her growth in being willing to be taken care of by people other than the two of us. 
3) Wisdom as we make our summer plans (both in ministry and for our family)