Trevor & Hannah Martin - Power to Change

Summer Mentorship

P2C is doing a summer mentorship program (Career-based) to help students and new grads to integrate their faith in their career. Would you or anyone you know be interested in connecting 3-4 times this summer with a student in a similar career? The application deadline is June 6. Click the button below for more info and/or to apply. Feel free to respond with any questions as well.

Prayer Items

1. Praise God that this spring marks 3 years that Trevor has been out of the hospital and has been mentally healthy since then!

2. Please pray for Hannah's teeth. She had to get a root canal a couple months ago, but she still has pain after the recovery. Hannah has been to many appointments related to this and there has been a growing financial cost. Please pray for a suitable solution/resolution to this.

3. Please pray for our daughter Amelia's faith. She has been interested in various spiritual activities and has been asking good questions. Please pray for us as parents to led her well spiritually and that God will bring her to saving faith, in his timing!

Kid Corner

Thank you for your support in helping students to discover Jesus!